


呼叫中心实行三班倒制,共有约120名员工,轮班经理和员工都在他们手下工作。由于电话中心已与保险公司合并,保险公司(在此情况下为雇主主管)有责任接管电话中心的工作地点安全及健康保障责任。根据《工作场所健康与安全法案》(Workplace Health and Safety Act)的规定,OHS框架假定负责该业务的人(在本例中为融合业务的负责人)将对工作场所的安全负责(澳大利亚政府,2016年)。他们对员工负有注意义务,因此必须确保他们的工作环境尽可能地无风险。此外,在对该人造成伤害的情况下,应由负有注意义务的人负责(AustLII, 2016;澳大利亚政府,2016)。现在看来,呼叫中心的设备出现了故障,可能会影响公司的工作,或对员工造成伤害。

除身体受伤外,还有报告指出,由于服务设备差,呼叫中心工作人员的士气低落。这种工作方式使他们在精神上变得冷漠和痛苦。由于这次合并所造成的人员减员,使情况进一步恶化。这些员工也没有机会去看医生,因为之前在咨询公司工作的人现在已经退休了,所以没有安排接替者。其次,由于合并,员工的担忧似乎被忽视了。接管呼叫中心的保险公司有责任确保新员工的担忧得到满足。根据OHS的立法框架,雇主有责任鼓励员工在他们认为影响健康的工作场所就这些问题发表意见。在国家层面,有国家卫生和公众服务部的法案和建议,在地区层面,一些普通法原则也被用来理解和促进工作场所的安全和健康(Chu, and Dwyer, 2002)。


The call centre employs around 120 personnel in a three shift basis, with shift managers and employee working under them. Now that the Call Centre has been merged with the insurance company, it becomes the responsibility of the insurance company (as assumed employer head in this context) to take over the responsibility for workplace safety and health assurance for the call centre. Now under the section of the Workplace Health and Safety Act, the OHS framework assumes that the person who is in charge of the business (in this case the person in charge of the converged businesses) will be responsible for the safety in the workplace (Australian Government, 2016). They owe a duty of care to their employees and hence must ensure their workplace settings are risk free as much as possible. Furthermore, in the case of an injury to the person, it is the person who owes a duty of care who would be held responsible (AustLII, 2016; Australian Government, 2016).Now the call centre place is seen to have run down equipment that could lead to issues for the company working, in either affecting the work of the company or by causing injury to the personnel.

In addition to physical injury it has also been presented that the call centre personnel are operating in conditions of poor morale because of the bad service equipment’s. This form of working causes them mental apathy and distress. The distress is furthermore increased because of the attrition that is taking place on account of the merger. The employees do not have access to a doctor either, as the person who was working with the consulting company has now retired and no replacement has been arranged as such.Secondly on account of the merger the concerns of the employees seem to be neglected. It is the duty of the Insurance company that has taken over the call centre to ensure that the new employee concerns are met. According to the OHS legislative frameworks it is the duty of the employer to encourage employees to express their opinion on those issues in the workplace that they believe affects their health. While at the national level, there is the Act and the recommendations made by the NOHSC, at the regional level, some common law principles are also used to understand and promote workplace safety and health (Chu, and Dwyer, 2002).