


With advancements in photographic technologies, the technique of Point of View started to come into use in distinct productions over the television because equipment for innovative photography helped in fulfilling variety of perspective based request. POV is a type of technique to shoot videos that depict point of view in a scene specifically from the position of the character within the sets and this becomes highly famous in distinct productions on TV specifically with regard to the perspective of first person usage. This essay needs to discuss on the use of this type of technique within productions of TV, particularly mockumentaries and the relatedness between uses of this specific technique and how authentic it is such as through reality TV perception (Reiss et al 2004). In order to simplify the research essay objectives, focus will be given to address the following research questions that will help in answering the essay thesis statement:

Case study approach has been used to provide an enhanced outlook on POV shots from the perspective of 2 shows, inclusive of Peep shows and Marion and Geoff. The case study furthermore is connected with an investigation into a set focus group of 8 individuals. The criteria of inclusion for the participants were that the participants should have seen both the shows and they should have brief knowledge of reality TV shows and use of POV shots. These 8 individual participants were selected from class as per random sampling technique.
The longest running comedy show is Peep Show on the Channel 4. The show was broadcasted after 2003 and the last series is ongoing for the show. With first person perspective shots inadequacy and a lot of editing work, the show follows life of 2 prominent characters as illustrated before. On the contrary, Marion and Geoff are the mockumentary of BBC which first aired in 2002 and its second series came in by 2003(Bruzzi 2006). Every specific episode within the mockumentary can be presented as monologue of an individual actor, filmed through a fixed cam in the cab’s confined area (Kato et al 1999).
In comparison to both these TV programs, it was evident that there are 2 key ways by which POV shots have been used making the scenes to be visually by the viewers as real even though a clear answer may not be obtained for the fact that whether the technique of POV is essential for attracting more customers (Morita 2003). It may be felt by the audience that the story is true while they watch the technique of POV applied to the scenes, even though the audience acknowledges the drama and editing included within the shots.

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