


IELTS tests have issues in perceptions, it is said to cause negative impact on the people, the validity of the testing method is questioned and the standardized testing method in itself has been questioned in numerous researches.

In the case of standardized testing method like IELTS, there are winners and losers in the process. English is a learning process. This creates a perception of winners. Apart from language, there are a number of other skills that are required for survival of the people. This has been largely ignored. According to Manara (2014), these standard tests only explain one side of the language acquisition skills. There are many more factors to be contended. This is largely overlooked by the universities and the students. This can be problem. Apart from these, it causes a negative impact on the student who is not able to score the required markets. It creates the persona that they are failures in the language and cannot cope in a newer surrounding. This is an ideological issue that needs to be addressed. These standardized tests are only markers of one aspect of the linguistic ability of the individuals. It cannot state with certainty the issue is contention it only indicates a certain acquired ability. This perception and the undue importance associated with the IELTS test has to be removed in the societies and in the universities.

English speaking linguistic skill cannot be measured in this testing process alone. Ironically, some universities do not give much importance to the IELTS score in itself.

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