


Sustainabilityissues in the case of SIA are also caused or rather increased because of the policy followed by Singapore. Singapore is seen to have an open sky policy as presented in the data section. So while members that have bilateral agreements and more are seen to be quite restrictive in how their airspace is used, in the case of the Singapore airspace and the SIA airports much of it is overused. This leads to excessive consumption of energy, excessive pollutant and emission being released in the airspace and more. Yet another key issue with respect to sustainability governance and accountability was how some of the key reports are seen to be missing in the case of SIA and also only some elements of GRI are covered. Primarily, SIA states that they make use of ISO 14001 in their annual report from 2006 and mention of GRI is also seen in the case of sustainability reports from 2009/10 and 2010/11. However, the assurance factor that is needed for this information presented in SIA to be considered as credible is absent. According to GRI G4-33 guidelines, there should be external assurances for reporting. The external assurances for reporting are what will increase the credibility of reporting. They will ensure that the provider has made use of authentic information. The assurance provider could be a sustainability consultant, some auditor etc. The lack of assurance hence raises questions. Additionally, as secondary research evidence suggests some of the environmental reports are stated to have been generated but are absent online. These are reports for 2001/02 etc.

One of the existing research arguments placed was that CSR reporting came to be so extensive because of the external pressures in reporting. It was identified that there was political pressure in reporting in the case of European airlines, and similarly there were reasons for reporting in the case of others such as the need for competitiveness (Heeres et al, 2011). However, in the case of SIA there was no reason in terms of politics for the Singapore to take up the reporting initiative in sustainability as SIA was owned by the state. The good point in SIA initiatives with respect to sustainability is that they have been taken up solely for the purpose of incorporating sustainability. The impact of political considerations and competitiveness as seen in other state situations is not the case here. This hence is a positive strength observed here. Yet another positive strength is in how SIA is seen to be pioneering in some aspects. For instance, in the case of noise generation because of aircrafts, SIA has focused on reducing noise. Yet an alternative view point could be presented. It could be said that financial penalties some airports impose with respect to noise generation could be the reason SIA invested in it.

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