

了解顧客的文化期望可以通過了解過去的證據來實現(Chisholm, et al., 2015)。應該對文化洞察力進行盡職調查。為了吸引觀眾,公司應該樹立品牌聲譽。部署文化三腳架策略:任何希望部署媒體營銷策略的品牌都可以通過部署內容的文化定製而獲益。對於這種方法,最佳實踐是考慮三個策略元素。知覺水平:在感性層面,公司應該讓個人在社會方面來辨別他們的感覺(霍夫曼,et al ., 2016)。人們應該能夠基於對形狀、美學和空間定位的感知與品牌建立聯繫。象徵性的水平:許多非語言代碼被發現存在於社會。這些是審美代碼,非語言線索和行為代碼。通過對符號學結構、儀式、色彩和轉喻的社會建構的理解,可以發展出相應的內容。價值層面:支持的價值反映了文化價值觀的社會。
這些範圍從普遍主義與特殊主義取向、人與自然的關係、權力距離指數、人的利他主義水平、人們所持有的集體主義意識形態、情感與中性取向以及當地媒體對其他文化的接受程度(Moon, et al., 2016)。在執行這些要素之後,應該對計劃進行審查和測試。這可以通過當地的焦點小組來實現。第一階段或實驗設計可以在當地網站上進行,使用研究工具(Valente, 2015)。這些都反映了人民的意識形態和人民的例外。通過這些分析,我們可以獲得更多的見解。市場營銷策略的實施將使參與該過程的所有利益相關者受益。在這一分析中,重點是電影《死侍》。這部電影屬於漫威集團。漫威集團在這部電影中的實現方法如下。


Understanding of the cultural expectation of the customers can be achieved by understand of the past evidences (Chisholm, et al., 2015). There should be due diligence conducted on the cultural insights. There should be a brand reputation that should be created by the companies in order for them to entice the audience. Deploying of the Cultural Tripod Strategy: Any brand that wants to deploy a media marketing strategy can benefit by deploying cultural customization of the content. For this approach the best practice is considering three strategy elements. Perceptual level:On a perceptual level, the companies should make ways for the individuals in the society to discern with their senses (Hofmann, et al., 2016). The people should be able to connect with the brand based on the perceptions of shape, aesthetics and spatial orientation. Symbolic level:A number of nonverbal codes are found to exist in the society. These are the aesthetically codes, nonverbal cues and code of conduct. By understanding the social construct of the semiotics structure the rituals, colours and metonyms there can be development of an appropriate content. Value level:The value reflects the cultural values espoused in the societies.
These range from Universalistic Vs Particularistic Orientation, relation of the people with nature, power distance index, altruistic levels of the people, collectivistic ideology held y the people, Affective VS Neutral Orientation and the acceptance level towards other cultures in the local medium (Moon, et al., 2016). After the implementation of these elements there should be the review and testing of the plan. This can be achieved by local focus groups. Phase 1 or the experimental design can be conducted on the local websites and using of research tools (Valente, 2015). These would reflect the ideologies and exception of the people of the people. As a result of this analysis there can be more insights garnered. Implementation of a marketing strategy would result in the benefit of all the stakeholders involved in the process. In this analysis the focus is one the movie “Deadpool”. This movie belongs to the Marvel group. The methods of implementation of the Marvel group for this movie have been explained in the following.