


The differences between goods and services are mostly cited in terms of their tangibility, where tangible goods, services cannot be sensually concrete or objectified. The differences in terms of inseparability involve the sequence of consumption and production. It leads consequentially to variability of the service. It is bound to differ from service to service and can occur within an organization to an individual employee (Taylor, 2000). Perishability comes into account mainly for goods and services, since both of which have a retention capacity of its own and must trigger off problems in the process of service and quality management if they not correctly addressed by the quality assurance management (Ritzer, 1983). Therefore, in the current study, we shall analyse from the structural and theoretical perspective of Mc Donaldization in the case study of The Butcher Burger Club. The study will offer a brief consideration of the key aspects of the case-study. In addition, it will investigate the integration of the Mc Donaldization into their operational hierarchy.
McDonaldization: Definition, Meaning, and Importance
Before venturing into the core concept, it is essential to understand the term McDonaldization and the implication of this phenomenon in our understanding of the current project. The term was originally used by George Ritzer, a renowned sociologist. He had elaborated the above mentioned term in his The McDonaldization of the Society (Ritzer, 1983). It has been expanded as a phenomenon that embodies itself in a society to adopt the operative mechanism of a fast food restaurant. It is, in fact, a reconceptualization of the idea of scientific management and rationalization. This theorisation is primarily based on Max Weber’s model of bureaucracy which manifests the changing direction of a society. Ritzer applied this idea in his theoretical paradigm. He observed that the contemporary growth and networking of the fast food restaurants have become more representative in the contemporary societal culture. Actually, he has summed up that an assumption the basis of set of principles which drives the chain of fast food restaurants seems to have been integrated into the cultural paradigm of our society (Ritzer, 2009). This phenomenon is a current development which has stimulated the cultural homogenization across the globe as more countries are integrating the process into their system. The enunciator of this theory has mainly highlighted upon four essential components of this theory: calculability, efficiency, predictability and control. The following section of this discussion shall probe into the details of these components (Ford, 1994).
Efficiency: It is perceived as the optimal method for a task accomplishment. However, from Ritzer’s concept, it is understood as the fastest mean in which one can become full from hungry. Thus, efficiency implies the minimization of the time employed.
Calculability: Ritzer also stated that all the objectives adopted must be quantifiable in terms of sales generation rather than subjectivity or taste generation. Thus, the organisations are motivated by the notion that quality must be equivalent to quantity, which allows the customers to derive satisfaction from the penny they spent. Then in such organizations, the time taken to deliver a job by a worker is rated more than the quality of work delivered by the worker (Mudie & Pirrie, 2006).
Predictability: When it comes to the predictability of the service, it means the standardization of the services in a uniform manner. For example, no matter where the customer might go, he or she shall receive the similar uniform service and quality of the product without any kind of quality compromising (Ford, 1994).

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