

在本篇代写论文-酒店业务中解决服务差距的问题分析中,酒店行业是一个竞争激烈的行业,因此酒店业务有必要尽可能提高质量。持续改进将有助于管理层解决服务差距问题。服务差距1主要是顾客期望和管理感知的差距。如果设想中的酒店没有做仔细的市场调查,或者如果管理层没有从每天直接与客户打交道的一线员工那里进行向上沟通的沟通结构,那么这种差距就会存在。因此,建议酒店管理层确保有一个沟通程序来记录来自一线员工的反馈。Gap 2是管理层对服务质量认知的差异。为了确保这个问题不会发生,建议管理层对服务进行一些标准化,并在服务质量方面实现一些关键目标。接下来有关代写论文-酒店业务中解决服务差距的问题分析如下:

Continual improvement is necessary for the new Hotel. The hospitality industry is an intensively competitive one and hence it is necessary for the Hotel business to be as much improved in quality as possible.Continual Improvement would be helpful for the management to address the services gaps issues. Primarily the service Gap 1 is that of the customer expectation and the management perception. This gap will exist if the hotel being conceived does not do careful market research or does if the management does not have communication structures for upward communication from the frontline employee who interact with customer directly on a day to day basis. Therefore, it is recommended that the hotel management should ensure there is a communication procedure to note feedback from frontline employees. Gap 2 is that of the difference between the management perceptions on service quality. In order to ensure that this problem does not occur, it is recommended to the management to have some standardization on service and have some key goals to be met with respect to service quality.
Gap 3 happens because of the difference between service specs and service delivery. This is a problem at both the Management and the employee level. In order to avoid this gap, it is recommended to the management that they provide service specifications to the employee in such a way that there would be no ambiguity. Employee job fit parameters must be considered at this level. Gap 4 happens because of discrepancies existing between service delivery and external communication and Gap 5 because of customer expectations and perceptions of service. Promises made on service have to be delivered. Resolution of Gap 4 communication issues would also help in solving the Gap 5 issue. Furthermore, in resolving Gap 5 the hotel management has to be more aware of customer expectations. Gap 6 is the difference between customer expectations and the front line employees’ perceptions. It is hence recommended to the management that they have special training for their frontline employees. In the case of Gap 7 there is a difference in between what the employee perceives to be the customer’s expectation and the management perception of the employee expectations. It is hence recommended to the management that the employees and management must have regular meetings in order to ensure that their difference in perception is presented clearly (Parasuraman et al, 1985; 1986; 1988).

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