

代写论文价格-进入国际市场的感知风险,进入国际市场的感知风险可以是基础设施假设、物流和供应链管理方面的问题。(Bannister & Saunders, 1978)它也可以出现在与产品无关的品牌形象的创造中(Yoon et al., 2012)。在这种情况下,不了解市场动态也是一个问题。总结消费者决定购买产品的基础上的一些因素。他们根据自己的感知来分析产品。种子应该首先激励消费者购买他们的产品。他们应该从营销策略中创造对产品的需求。为了激励消费者,可以实现马斯洛需求层次模型来激励消费者。接下来有关代写论文价格-进入国际市场的感知风险分析如下:

Perceived risk when foraying into international markets can be in infrastructural assumption, issues in logistics and supply chain management. (Bannister & Saunders, 1978) It can also arise in creation of a brand image not associated with the product (Yoon et al., 2012). Not understanding the market dynamics can also be a problem in this scenario.

A common feature that has been found between the two cultures is that people give a lot of importance to Branding of the product. Established brands are more likely to sell in both these markets (Minkow and Hofestde, 2011). Hence it is necessary for SEED Company to develop strong branding strategies.

SEED Company specializes in creation of cheongsam i.e. ethnic Chinese dress. This factor should be used in the branding process. It is an indigenous Chinese company that promotes Chinese values and heritage. It should be branded as a celebration of the culture of China.

The company will be positioned initially as a product that sells traditional Chinese attire to women. High quality will be the annexed in the marketing strategy (Brown, & Woodruffe-Burton, 2015). Brand will essentially showcase the nuances and intricate designs of the Chinese attire. The positioning of the product will be about marketing the brand like a Chinese model that embodies traditional values of China.

To summarize consumer base their decision to buy a product based on a number of factors. They analyze about a product based on their perception. SEED should primarily motivate the consumers to buy their product. They should create a need for the product from the marketing strategies. In order to motivate the consumer Maslow hierarchy of needs model can be implemented to motivate the consumers. In order to motive the consumer and make them feel connected to the product companies should understand the culture and develop subsequent models. From this the consumer decision-making process can be analyzed. In this chapter the various nuances involved in the consumer decision making process and the ways in which SEED can influence the consumer choice has been explained in detail. From this consumer’s requirements should be met.

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