
代寫論文 價格:激勵因素對人們行為的改變

代寫論文 價格:激勵因素對人們行為的改變
最近,神經科學家Jeffry Schwartz發現,除了金錢之外,還有其他形式的激勵因素會改變人們的行為(Piekema, 2014)。在發展中國家,獎勵似乎是一種昂貴的姿態。自主性是另一種選擇,通過這種方式,工人們往往更有生產力,更專注於工作。當員工獲得更好的自主地位時,它會給工作帶來一種親近感。來自劍橋大學的Dean Mobbs和他的同事們進行了腦部掃描,以確定大腦中產生窒息的方式。他向參與者介紹了一個遊戲,他們必須在壓力下玩,他們的活動在核磁共振機的幫助下被記錄和分析。

代寫論文 價格:激勵因素對人們行為的改變
根據規定,如果按時限完成,獲獎者將獲得5歐元或50便士的獎金。這項實驗的結果發表在《心理科學》雜誌上,結果顯示當獎勵越高,大腦活動越活躍時,表現越差。這意味著金錢是一種激勵,但並非總是如此,因為它會給員工帶來很大壓力,讓他們失去信心。這兩項研究都表明,泰勒的觀點是完全不恰當的,在大多數情況下都不成立,這一點從研究人員的研究結果可以明顯看出(Katzenbach和Khan, 2010)。他們強烈發現,金錢並不能提高業績。

代寫論文 價格:激勵因素對人們行為的改變

In the recent times, Jeffry Schwartz who is a neuroscientist has found that there are other forms of motivators that tend to bring a change in terms of behavior than money (Piekema, 2014). Giving rewards appear to be a costly gesture in developing people. Autonomy is yet another option by which the workers tend to be even productive and dedicate to the work. It brings a sense of relatedness to the work when workers are offered better autonomous statuses. Dean Mobbs from Cambridge University along with his colleagues has conducted brain scanning in order to identify the way choking is developed in the brain. He introduced the participants with a game where they had to play under pressure and their activities were noted and analyzed with the help of MRI machine.

代寫論文 價格:激勵因素對人們行為的改變
The offer was that winner gets 5 Euros or 50p if completed as per the time limit. The results of this experiment were published in Psychological Sciences Journal that showed that the performance deteriorated when the reward was higher and the brain activity is higher, too. This implies that money is a motivator but not at all times, as it instills a lot of pressure and lets employees lose confidence. Both the studies indicate that Taylor’s view is absolutely inappropriate and does not work at most of the times and this is evident from the results that the researchers have shown (Katzenbach and Khan, 2010). They strongly find that money does not boost performance.