


Perhaps in a situation where one desires to donate his time or money out of genuine desire of support or help, there seems to be no power and its relevance (Hougaard and Bjerre, 2002). In charity, power is absent to a large scale and it defies the profitable nature of power assumed in for-profit corporations. In some sections of healthcare, power has limited usage and relevance, because the service provided by the doctor is bound by his ethical commitment to save lives and is not indulged into practices that violate the very spirit of healthcare provision. Even in small rural villages, there may be only one doctor for a patient. Sometimes power plays no role in the negotiation. In such situations, saving the life of the patient is the utmost and foremost priority of the doctor, nothing else.
In some conditions of controlling the use of power in upstream partners, trust is more useful and of value than power. For example, when a small supplier is negotiating with a large buyer for rendering services, if the small supplier uses trustworthy behaviour and remains genuine to his commitment and wins the trust of the large buyer, it can be an advantageous situation (Cox, 2004). Behavioural imposition is important for the supplier to be used on most terms as trust may win a good contract in favourable terms that power will never be able to. It is always recommended that the buyer or supplier who is in a weaker position uses trust foremost as a weapon to secure a favourable contract because it does not cost much to be trustworthy. When trust is becoming obsolete in global markets, it could be converted into the best instruments to secure a long term client who can continue to be associated for decades.
The Guanxi factor which refers to social relationships and connections is another factor of redefining a contractual relationship. When relationships are strong, long-lasting, trustworthy, and transcendent in their conduct and secure for both, there can be less use or even inclination to use power to negotiate a contract. When strong power is used to dominate a contractual relationship, it can possibly destroy the bond and also invite an unwanted stigma to the company. Hence, it is always useful to refrain from using too much power and instead use as much trust as possible as a genuine tool to secure long term contractual relationships, where mutual benefits are shared and a win-win situation is secured by both entities.

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