


随着相互依存的加深,亚洲人开始越来越多地关注一种被称为“软实力”(soft power)的新互动水平,以更好地了解该地区的动态,以及缓解两国间紧张关系的方式。根据Nye(2009),软实力等同于断言和吸引力(Nye et al., 2009)。在国际政治领域中,有助于产生软实力的资源主要来自于一个国家在其文化中所表达的价值观,以及这个国家通过内部政策所树立的榜样。软实力也被描述为这些国家处理与其他人关系的方式(Pye et al., 2009)。软实力的五大领域包括经济、文化、人力资本、政治和外交。每个国家都更加尊重美国的经济软实力。

美国经济领先,在中国和韩国排名第二,在越南和印尼排名第二。日本、中国和韩国的公民都认为美国应该采取行动。以S为基础的经济关系是最重要的(Nye et al., 2009)。排名第二的是日本,仅次于美国。美国在经济上的软实力。排名甚至比你还高。途经印度尼西亚和越南。另一方面,中国也受到了产品质量低下的影响。进一步的消极看法是,对亚洲区域其他国家的人道主义性质的援助不足,以及对劳动力在经济上有一些机会的看法。


As interdependence has started to grow, Asians have begun increasingly to focus on a newer interaction level known as soft power for a better understanding of the dynamics in the region and the way in which tensions can be mitigated between the states. According to Nye (2009), soft power is equated with assertions and attractiveness (Nye et al., 2009). Within the politics of international domain, the resources which help in producing soft power come majorly from the values a nation can express within its culture and also from the examples that the nation sets through inner policies. Soft power is also depicted in the way in which these nations handle their relationships with other people (Pye et al., 2009). The five general areas of soft-power is inclusive of economics, culture, capital of human, politics and diplomacy.Each nation has higher respect for economic soft power of U.S.

The U.S. comes out as leading nation economically, among Chinese and South Koreans and ranked secondly among Vietnamese and Indonesians. Citizens within Japan, China and South Korea believe that U.S based economic relationship is their most significant one (Nye et al., 2009). Second close in the ranking is Japan to U.S with regard to perceived soft power economically. The rank is even high than U.S through Indonesia and Vietnam. China on the other hand has suffered from the perceptions of lower quality of product. Further negative perceptions are with regard to inadequate assistance of humanitarian nature to other countries in the Asian region along with the perspective that there are some opportunities economically for the labor force.