


The existence of glass ceiling takes a different shape. It is seen as more of a burden now than before. The utterance or emergence of glass ceiling objections by women is not seen as self-advancement through victimhood. Sometimes it even could be true that it should not become a norm and a stamp against women for misusing the law in favour of them. For example, there have been instances where women have used glass ceiling as a reason to make self-advancement for her further progress when she was undeserving of the position (Johnson and Ridley, 2008).When women are allowed the flexible working, they find that they have not matched the minimum work ethics benchmark and lack professionalism (Chanania, 2016). These instances where women misuse the law to secures her interest by unlawful means have made glass ceiling a complex and fractured concept. Men at workplace often see it as self-advancing when a woman complains about being discriminated. It is the same thing happens when men actually discriminates against a woman. Thus, in retrospect, glass ceiling had a turbulent past. From being a genuine case against women’s discrimination, it has come to attract a view of annoyance. Its use is also associated with selfish motives of women and misuse of the law. Although there can be no denial of the fact that there has been no one who has never misused their privileges including men, the strengthening of the view that only laws favouring women are being largely misused by them is also one kind of a bias.
To analyse the sector of general surgery, Zhuge et al. (2011) admits that despite the increase of women in the general surgery segment, glass ceiling is relevant and existent for women in gross leadership roles. In the study, they observed that traditional gender roles, their support, and mind set and sexism at work along with lack of appropriate mentorship are three main contributors to the persistent and thriving of glass ceiling. Traditional gender roles is the most common and rigid barrier that remains today. It is the most adamant and inflexible reason for the existence of glass ceiling. Acker (2009) too, asserts that there is an invisible but rampant existence and usage of glass ceiling for women at workplace. Women from racial and minority ethnicity are more under-represented at workplace. This indicates the existence of silent racism where innovative reason of “lack of skills and knowledge required for the vacant position” may be dominant in their use. Falk (2004) in her research about the existence of glass ceiling for women concluded that women represented only about 15% of the total top executive positions and even less in the management roles. This shows that glass ceiling that had been assumed dying was not so the case, it existed more innovatively with more power to the management in smart discrimination. The irony of the results lied in the fact that despite the menace of glass ceiling almost 20 years before, it existed and thrived more succinctly in organisations.

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