

代写价格-英国的互联网环境。英国每天有4180万成年人使用互联网(internet Life Stats, 2017)。因此,大约82%的人每天都在使用互联网。这是2016年的统计数据。据统计,2015年平均有3930万成年人(78%)使用互联网,2006年这一数字为35%(英国国家统计局,2016)。这显示了互联网使用的飞跃。在中等收入到高收入的家庭中,以手机的形式使用互联网的情况占了很大比例。互联网的大部分使用都是针对购物的,而在这里,单是网上购物就占了很大比例。让一些家庭重新考虑使用互联网连接类型的一些问题是互联网的速度。一些连接类型提供了比其他类型更好的速度。调查发现,超过89%的英国人将在2017年及以后的时间里使用互联网。

Household expenditure, income and other factors are strong determinants when it comes to understanding the economy of household. Economists have been studying the complex reasoning behind household income, their expenses, their choice of products etc. It is observed as an interesting and complex connection because of the following insights. According to the Engel’s law, it was identified that when the income of a family increases, then the overall household budget would then decrease. The decrease in household budget happens because the household would now be willing to spend on a much more diversified diet. This was unexpected as the spending propensity usually increases when income increases.

Other complex factors include the understanding of how budget shares within household could change their purchase capacity. The theory of household production as presented by Becker (1965) is yet another theory that in presenting how households make purchases based on intent to maximize profit. They will want to create the best possible combination in commodifying utility. Researchers such as Bansback (1995) and Dickinson et al., (2003) argued that some non-income factors could result in modified decision making. As Sekhampu (2012) argued that income of a household is an important determinant when it comes to understanding the form of consumption patterns in the household. Although Sekhampu (2012) argument exists for the purpose of knowing about consumption patterns with respect to food expenditure, a similar analogy could be derived to understand how income becomes a determinant of internet usages. A similar form of understanding of household patterns and determinants for internet use in the UK can be identified.

in the United Kingdom in 2017 and later (Internet Live Stats, 2017).
In order to understand the need to know internet usage determinants, it is important to understand the type and numbers in internet users that there are in the United Kingdom. Firstly, the number of internet users in the United Kingdom is 60,273,385 (Internet Live Stats, 2017). The UK population penetration is considered as around 92 percent which is a high value of the worldwide internet users, and the percentage is around 1.8 percent of the worldwide internet users. The number of internet users over the years is listed in the below table. Research works on the internet users connects across multiple variables such as socio-demographics, the age of the person, their geographic location, psychographics and sex. Much of the determinants in internet usage are hence determined by these factors.

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