



除此之外,Hampton(2009)指出,合规责任在组织中的普遍性导致了风险评估、测试和报告的发生。出现了用于识别高风险领域和简化测试(如反洗钱(AML)或银行保密法(BSA))的不同法规和分析能力。如今,为了应对利益相关者不断变化的期望,银行将重点放在了改进其合规方案上。除此之外,银行强调通过将其业务范围从基于规则和技术的关注扩展到整个业务敏锐性来改善客户体验和经营活动。在与客户、社区和监管机构等公司利益相关者的合作中,合规的角色出现了扩张(Hampton, 2009)。


这有助于与外部利益相关者建立牢固的关系。与此同时,根据yocam&choi(2008)的观点,各大银行采用了不同的分析方法,通过防止合规失败和对不同风险的有效管理,有助于提高其生产率和绩效。使用数据挖掘和分析软件,以主动的方式管理不同的合规风险。组织的整体生产力可以通过将银行的法规遵循过程标准化来提高。这有助于获得更好的跨职能洞察和输出驱动方法来实现增值活动(yocam&choi, 2008)。


根据Boubaker, Buchanan和Nguyen(2016),法规遵循管理过程已经通过采用自动化过程得到了改进,例如自动化的问题跟踪、工作产品的存储和检索以及知识管理。银行使用单独的风险评估工具来评估合规风险。银行已经制定了各种程序来识别不同的尽职调查风险。合规风险管理提供与客户风险概要相关的信息。这有助于银行作出有关进入、继续或终止现有客户关系的决定,以防止业务中可能发生的风险。为了改善风险治理,需要通过提供风险偏好声明的方式来定义风险目标(Boubaker, Buchanan & Nguyen, 2016)。


在Abrahams和Zhang(2008)看来,如今的银行强调风险文化,以有效地评估合规风险。风险文化在影响个人决策,塑造利益相关者对组织的态度方面发挥着重要作用。尽管在合规、风险管理和控制方面进行了大量投资,但由于组织中存在的风险文化类型,出现了一些问题。除此之外,还需要对银行的风险文化进行评估,因为风险文化会对业务的复杂性、性质和规模产生重大影响(Abrahams &Zhang, 2008)。


Besides this, Hampton (2009) has stated that the pervasiveness of the compliance responsibilities in the organizations has led to the occurrence of assessment, testing and reporting of the risks. There is an emergence of different regulations and analytical capabilities that are used for the identification of higher risk areas and streamlining testing such as Anti-Money Laundering (AML) or Bank Secrecy Act (BSA). Nowadays, to address the changing expectations of the stakeholders, banks put emphasis on revamping their compliance programs. In addition to this, banks emphasize on bringing improvement in customer experience and operational activities by broadening their scope from rule based and technical focus towards the whole business acumen. There is an occurrence of expansion in the role of compliance in the way of collaborating with the stakeholders of the company such as customers, community and regulators (Hampton, 2009).

This helps in building strong relations with external stakeholders. Along with this, as per the views of Yocam& Choi (2008), the leading banks have adopted different analytics that helps in increasing their productivity and performance by preventing compliance failures and effective management of different risks. There is a use of data mining and analysis software to manage different compliance risks in a proactive manner. The overall productivity of the organization can be increased by standardising the compliance processes by banks. This helps in gaining greater cross functional insights and output driven approach to implement value added activities (Yocam& Choi, 2008).

According to Boubaker, Buchanan & Nguyen (2016), the compliance management processes have been improved by adoption of automated processes such as automated issue tracking, storage and retrieval of work products and knowledge management. Banks use separate risk assessment tools to assess the compliance risk. Banks have developed various procedures to identify different due diligence risks. The compliance risk management provides information related to customer risk profile. This helps banks to take decision related to entering, continuing or terminating the existing customer relationship to prevent the potential risk to be occurred in the business. For improving the risk governance, there is a need to define the objectives of the risks by the way of providing risk appetite statements (Boubaker, Buchanan & Nguyen, 2016).

In the views of Abrahams & Zhang (2008), nowadays, banks emphasize on the risk culture for assessing the compliance risk in an effective manner. Risk culture plays an important role in influencing the decisions of individuals to shape the attitudes of the stakeholders towards the organization. Despite of enormous investments made in compliance, risk management and controls, there is an occurrence of several issues due to the type of risk culture present in the organization. In addition to this, there is a requirement of assessment of the risk culture of the banks as it significantly affects the complexity, nature and scale of the business (Abrahams &Zhang, 2008).