

本篇由代写价格提供的文章主要是讲艺术总监在管理中的作用 ,当公司有两个以上的领导是需要分工合作。


从研究中可以看出,当两个领导者之间的沟通不明确时,往往会影响组织管理的问题解决能力(Hewison and Holden, 2016)。这就确定了艺术总监的关键作用是控制艺术家和后续的艺术,给ACCA提供艺术指导的目的是给组织带来恶名。ACCA根据Max作为澳大利亚文化部门高级策展人的名人身份(Ibbotson, 2008)雇佣了他。对于艺术家和组织的管理过程和技术,马克思所知不多,使艺术方向基于文化创新和承担越来越多的艺术作品委托的能力,而不是盈利和增长。


因此,艺术总监在管理和美学之间做出决定的关键角色并不是由Max来执行的,因为大多数注意力都集中在美学本身(Landry, 2011)。ACCA的关键角色在实现潜在效率方面的主要限制是在美学与管理视角方面做出的决定。这可能导致组织的战略决策过程被分解。组织在有效领导和绩效方面的失败可能是由于双重领导下的跨组织的无效领导、由于对艺术创作缺乏理解以及创意总监和执行总监之间的人际冲突而导致的管理不善(Lim, 2016)。




It was realized from the research that the problem solving ability of the organizational management is often impacted when the communication between the two leaders is unclear (Hewison and Holden, 2016). This has established that while the key role of artistic director is to control the artists and the subsequent art, giving artistic direction to the ACCA for the purpose of brining the notoriety to the organization. ACCA has hired Max on the basis of his celebrity status of the senior curator across the Australian culture sector (Ibbotson, 2008). Not much of the managerial process and techniques for the management of the artists and organization is known by Max that makes the artistic directions based on the cultural innovation and ability to undertake increased number of art work commissions instead of the profitability and growth.

Hence, the pivotal role of the artistic director to make the decision between the management and aesthetics is not performed by Max since the majority of attention is placed on the aesthetics itself (Landry, 2011). The primary limitations in reaching the potential efficiency by the key roles of ACCA are the decisions made with regard to aesthetics versus managerial perspective. This poses a potential of the strategic decision making process of the organization to be broken down. The organizational failure in effective leadership and performance can be because of the combination of ineffective leadership across the organization from the dual leadership, poor management because of lack of understanding surrounding the artistic creations and the interpersonal conflicts among the creative and executive directors (Lim, 2016).

The different nature of the objectives defined by both the artistic director and the executive director creates conflict within the organizational goals. From the arts management perspective, the artistic director will regard organization to be successful if the level of artistic excellence or the desired artist is brought within the ACCA.At the same time, the executive director measures the organizational growth and overall profitability by the financial performance and market share of the organization that does not entail any artistic value. The executive director remains dedicated to evaluating and developing the organization with respect to the traditional corporate designs (Nisbett and Walmsley, 2016). The conflict of interest takes place when the artistic director visions the arts organization to grow in a culturally integrated artistic sector.