

代写价格-金融业在当代经济学中的意义。美国开始认为金融比制造业更重要、更相关,这已严重导致数千人失业。特朗普在美国“铁锈地带”(three rust belt)的竞选活动中明显强调了这种失业现象。这也意味着,随着经济和组织金融化程度的提高,就业市场的规模将显著缩小,因为创造大量就业的制造业正在下降。相反,金融市场公司的崛起并不能保证就业岗位的增加,因为它需要一种特殊的胃口,而这种胃口只有那些拿着荣誉学位、在华尔街工作、花费巨资自学的精英阶层才能拥有。

A low employment sector, capital markets, when replaces a high employment sector, manufacturing, social unrest and social disparity is inevitable, which is rampant and nurturing in the US. Financialization, in this way, slowly poisons the social structure of the country, and becomes indifferent to their needs and expectations. The globalists pay less attention to the demands of social inequality and more on their ability to reap quick profits from financialization tricks. Are not these financialization heroes vicariously liable for the deep rooted wounds inflicted on the average mass population? Are they not a part of the US as much as the globalists and capitalists?
As a classic example of financialization profits, Michael Milken used junk bonds to finance mergers and acquisition, making roughly about $250 – $550 million dollar a year from such activities (Collins, 2015). This implies the ratio of the employment potential for the amount made by Milken and the same investments or profits when considered in manufacturing. The extent of supernatural profits made by Milken shows the clout of those who uses financialization to make quick money. They use money to make money, instead of manufacturing or production to make money, where a real product or real progress is always registered, and something is added to the gross domestic product value. This way, financialization kills jobs and renders capable individuals jobless, creating deep social distress. For this reason, financialization is such an important and relevant subject to be attended upon, so that some sense prevails over the left wing liberalists who just sits on Wall Street to boast about billion dollar profits, which in real sense is just leveraged unlimited number of times.
The advent of capital markets and opening up of global markets of investments have made possible easier flow of capital, and when capital flows from one nation to another, it is expected to come back soon with more capital after making the desired profits. The desire is such that the capital must come back soon even at the expense of the real economy growth of the company, which poorly depends on the real industrial growth index. This makes capital markets the enemy of social equality proponents. When capital is used to make further capital without the involvement of any hard core product or goods, it is just as if a commodity is being changing hands and increasing in value for the reason that it is changing hands and being sold umpteen number of times. Is this what the US promotes, making money by investing in money? To add, to cover such risky bets, insurance firms spruce up and sell covers at premium rates, and make money on thousands of transactions that just look dummy in nature.

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