


These form of events helps to bring together a vast population. It helps to bring together all coffee lovers in one space to try out what they like. An important aspect of brand management for a company is to not only aim at connecting brand with a product or a service but to present the brand in terms of an intangible value. Associating the coffee products with social and cultural ambience for people is a technique made use of coffee shops. In this context presenting the story of coffee production by means of including the consumer helps the consumer feel a similar association with the product. This would bode well for the industry. Secondly the website that was created specifically for the event indicates that the event was one that enabled the existing companies to also learn in terms of how they could become more sustainable as businesses. For instance, their collaborations with UTZ Certified’s Energy from Coffee Wastewater Project increased substantially after the event. The event hence managed to expose the participants of the event to their sustainability options.

The UTZ is a program that works on advocating for the sustainable farming in coffee industry, the exploitation in the context of farming for coffee, cocoa and tea are reduced here. Furthermore, an important agenda in sustainable farming is the amount of waste water that is released when coffee production happens, this affects the environment. Waste water resources could be treated so as to protect the environment and this form of information advocacy, exposure and connections were established because of the event. Booths for UTZ information advocacy were a vital part of the event. It was not only the event organizers and the event participants such as the traders who got to hear this information, but it was also the consumers (The Coffee Experience, 2015).

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