

代写价格-澳洲电讯提供的产品和价格分析。澳洲电讯所提供的产品包括流动平板电脑、流动宽频和家庭宽频。澳洲电信的家庭宽带线路被命名为Big Pond。互联网连接是由澳洲电信提供的ADSL和电缆。移动宽带用户可选择预付费服务或大池后付费服务。澳大利亚电信的投资组合中有四种平板电脑,它们可以与一系列计划挂钩。到今天为止,他们已经拥有宏碁上网本、Xoom、摩托罗拉、宏碁Iconia和苹果iPad。通过提供各种选择的计划范围,为客户提供了巨大的价值,这也是澳洲电信使命宣言的意图所在。这些计划之间的价格有差异。价格取决于客户为其移动平板电脑、移动宽带和家庭宽带选择的服务类型。

5GB Liberty of BigPond Elite which falls under home broadband is the cheapest plan. The last known price for this plan is $29.95. On the other hand, 500GB Liberty of the BigPond Ultimate is their plan which is most expensive. This plan is charged for $99.95. Telstra’s broadband plan that is post paid is named as BigPond Liberty with data allowance ranging from 1GB to 15GB. The range of price for this plan is between $19.95 and $79.95.
The pricing policy of Telstra in relation to their entrance in the 3G market should be considering the consumers who are relatively new. Therefore, the target segment is high usage customers and the early adapters. In the endeavour of maximizing profits and recovering investment costs, the other competitors, such as Optus and Vodafone before entering the market, the maintenance of skimming policy should be pursued by Telstra. The subscriber price can be relatively high as only a small part of the market initially will use this service. There should be flexibility in the pricing as price wars are imminent once the competitors enter the fray. In the time when the competitors enter the market, discounts can be offered by Telstra in maintaining its market share and even consolidating its market share. The pricing of the 3G and 4G networks enable all consumer segments to be able to afford the services of Telstra that goes with their vision of improving the lives of the people with better connectivity.
The 3G services of Telstra have the penetration to all cities across the country with its distribution through the Telstra shops. The customers are exposed to an experience, where they are assisted by the trained staff of Telstra who demonstrates them the benefits and the range available functions with their service. This kind of service enhances the accountability of Telstra, demonstrates the value of teamwork, build trust of the customers as well as respect for its service.
For the 3G packages, consumers will be offered with introductory offers as well as heavy discounts for second purchase of the 3G package. Telstra has adopted low cost activities for its promotion and increase of brand awareness with continuous promotions of its products and services.

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