


This research work attempts to understand urban planning in Bulgaria and how it gets affected by issues in the form of the mafia baroque in the profession. Now this paper differs from that of the other research papers and also has some similarities. Mainly it differs in the reasoning given for the rise of corruption and also in the case of how the mafia baroque a social custom could have an impact on it. Most existing research arguments that are placed on the topic of corruption have addressed it from the economics only motive. For instance, where privileges are seen to be exploited it results in concerns of resource diversion from the public sector planning agencies. The agencies would end up giving contracts in land use management and infrastructural development to the one who would ensure profit for the Government, but not for all stakeholders at large. The issue of corruption is not just noticed in small countries or developing ones, this is an issue that is prevalent in most of the large scale countries as well as in the private sector also. It is necessary for prevention to exist in the form of market economies that are competitive. However, as authors argue the very nature of competition might not be emulated properly if the other aspects of competitive drive are not considered in context.

On the other hand, this paper presents the social aspects for the issues. The paper mainly concerns itself with the architectural style that has strong connections with the urban planning that is being conducted in Bulgaria. However, after the decline of those intellects that enjoyed the style there was a decline, as the style came to be sidelined as well. The research highlights how post socialist urbanization is of concern to the public as it also mixes with the public concerns about corruption in the country. The author presents the changes that the construction industry has underwent, but the way the authors presents the changes is that it is argued as more of a professional marginalization, and also as an aspect that serves to create embarrassment for the people involved as well. Broader post socialist concerns are added to the understanding of corruption in urban planning through this article. The authors recommend that there be some forms of sufficient regulation when it comes to urban planning in order to handle the issues.

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