


在我们的日常生活中,食物扮演着非常重要的角色,没有它,一个人不能生存很长时间。然而,对于任何一个国家来说,食物不仅仅是一种生存工具(纽曼),它更多地与文化、社会以及不同成分和原材料的可获得性有关,这些成分和原材料影响着一个国家的食物制作和消费模式(Abouta, Patterson和Kristal)。一个国家也有更多的品种。食物也是舒适、幸福和安全的来源(Kulkarni 190)。它还可以作为一个人的社会地位、宗教信仰和对待他人的方式的代表(Mothershead 10)。因此,本文将对中美两国的饮食文化进行比较和对比,以了解一个国家的饮食文化与其他国家有何不同。
中国是一个公共的国家,因此他们通常一起吃饭,喜欢和别人分享他们做的菜(Kulkarni 190)。他们有非常独特的餐桌礼仪,当客人参观或在餐厅时表现出来。主人通常会在用餐前寒暄几句。他们在餐桌上也对长辈表示礼貌(纽曼22)。美国融合了多种文化,因为来自世界各地的许多人都去过美国(Abouta, Patterson and Kristal 126)。随着时间的推移,这些人定居在那里,并形成了一种融合了许多其他文化的文化,但真正的美国人通常更喜欢单独吃。在大多数情况下,他们更喜欢方便、快捷和便宜的食物(Kulkarni 191)。中国切菜和其他食物的方式也与美国不同。


In our daily life food plays a very vital role and without it one cannot survive very long. However, for any nation, food does not only mean a survival tool (Newman 12) It has more to do with the culture, society and availability of different ingredients and raw materials that influence the pattern of food preparation and consumption in a country (Abouta, Patterson and Kristal 21). There are more varieties within a country as well. Food is also a source of comfort, happiness and security (Kulkarni 190). It also acts as a representation of an individual’s social status, religious beliefs and ways of treating others (Mothershead 10). In the present essay, therefore, food culture of China and US will be compared and contrasted in order to understand how one country differs in their food culture from that of the others.
China is a communal country and therefore they usually eat communally and prefer to share their cooked dishes with others (Kulkarni 190). They have very distinct table manners which are displayed when guests visit or at restaurants. Hosts usually offer few words of greetings before one start eating. They also show courtesy to elders at dining table (Newman 22).The US has a blend of many cultures as many people from different parts of the world have travelled to the US (Abouta, Patterson and Kristal 126). With time, these people have settled there and given rise to a culture which is a fusion of many other cultures, but the authentic Americans usually prefer to individual servings. They prefer to have convenient, quick and cheap food in most of the cases (Kulkarni 191).Chinese ways of cutting vegetables and other food items also differ from that of the US.