


he selection of a supplier is defined as the process by which the organizations determine to analyse and contract with the suppliers. The process of supplier selection requires a huge amount of financial resources. The organizations expect benefits from contracting with the suppliers. DTG has focused on selecting the most appropriate supplier to carry out its business activities and supplying products to the customers. DTG Digital is the most profitable company that produces amazing and high-quality prints. The company has selected UL and NU as suppliers to supply its products to different locations. The management of the company has maintained all its processes to supply its products to their customers.

The self-enforcing contract is an agreement between two parties which is enforced by both the parties. The agreement is carried out till it provided maximum benefits to both the parties. NS&I outsourced its operations for the first time to the Siemens business services, and in July 2011, Atos subsequently acquired the company (Halvey and Melby, 2007). The contract of outsourcing is based on the strategies and the deals that impacts the inflation and decreases the core operating costs.
Apart from this, the strong power dominance can ruin the relationship between the buyer and supplier as the other party always searches for the options of having more power. In this way, the business transaction between the buyers and suppliers may be damaged. Hence, the power dominance should be considered as the less important aspect of the relationship between buyers and suppliers in comparison to the mutual trust and understanding, which is the core of any relationship.

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