

故事情節包含了與故事無關的材料,新娘是被追捕的罪犯。電影《殺死比爾》(Kill Bill)按時間順序融入了武術元素。它主要包含非成岩元素,因為故事是以敘述的方式敘述的(Ogunnaike, Lola, 2003)。故事圍繞著推動故事敘事的人物行為展開,以一件導致一系列謀殺的事件為開端。使用的風格是精確的敘述。推動故事的是角色的行動,而不是敘述(Ogunnaike, Lola, 2003)。所以,為了與觀眾交流,我們使用了最少的敘述。重要的是,重點是建立對觀眾已經知道的、他們可以感知的和他們需要被告知的內容的深刻理解。基於這些元素,電影《殺死比爾》創造了懸念和刺激。故事時長和情節時長約為幾個月,屏幕時長為90分鐘。

影片採用的是懸疑驚悚片的形式,偵探們發現了一系列謀殺案,但這些謀殺案背後的兇手和原因卻被慢慢地揭示出來。這部電影以設置場景而著名,這表明敘事試圖以誇張和驚險的方式來解釋事件。與此同時,很多不現實的動作和特技被用來娛樂的目的和懸念的元素也被添加到電影。電影中的人物是推動敘事的人。他們的作用和行動是精確和有效的。它們清楚地表明了到底發生了什麼犯罪,並揭示了導致犯罪的一系列事件。角色能夠驅動敘述,不需要過多的敘述。電影中運用了大量的成岩元素,以動作的形式和情感導致犯罪的故事。這是一個重要的方面,以確保更好的敘事驚悚電影(盧西爾,Germain, 2011)。


The plot contains material that is extraneous to the story in the form of The Bride, who is the criminal being tracked down. The movie ‘Kill Bill’ incorporates elements of martial arts in a temporal order. It primarily contains non diagetic elements as the story is being narrated in a recounted story style (Ogunnaike, Lola, 2003). The story is focused on the actions of the characters that drive the narration of the story, and begins with an event which leads to a series of murders. The style used is precise narration. It is the actions of the characters that drive the story, not the narration (Ogunnaike, Lola, 2003). So, minimal narration is used for the purpose of communicating with viewers. It becomes important that the focus is on establishing a strong understanding of what the viewers already know, what they can perceive and what they need to be told. Based on these elements, suspense and thrill have been created in the movie ‘Kill Bill’.The story duration and the plot duration are about a few months and the screen time is 90 minutes.

The format used is of a suspense thriller wherein a series of murders are discovered by the detectives, but the murdered and reason behind these murders is slowly revealed. The movie is notable for set up of locations and this indicates that the narrative tries to explain the events in an exaggerated and thrilling manner. At the same time, a lot of unrealistic action and stunts are used for the purpose of entertainment and the element of suspense has also been added to the movie. The characters in the movie are the ones who drive the narration. Their role and actions are precise and effective. They clearly indicate what crime took place in the end and reveal a series of events that led to crimes. The characters are able to drive the narration and no narrative excess is required. There are a lot of diagetic elements used in the movie in the form of action and a story about emotions leading to crimes. It is an important aspect of ensuring better narration for a thriller movie (Lussier, Germain, 2011).