





The Poleis in Greek refers to the city like state of Greece. The poleis were not oligarchies but were more of a democracy where there were bodies of citizens making rules and following them as well. I believe Athens would have been more stable because of this democracy like state in them. Athenian women were given a good role in society. The women were given the first recognition compared to foreign women and this gave women pride of place in the society. However, the Spartan women were given much freedom and political social participation compared to the women of Athens. Women of Sparta dominated their households. The conquests of Alexander started with the Balkan campaign, where he ensured complete conquest and peace with Greece, and then Persia to Syria to the Battle of the Issus. He continued his conquests from Egypt to India. I believe he has a long-lasting historical impression because of his self-dedication to complete what he started.

Alexander conquered many lands and in these lands, he was able to pass on his own culture to the lands. A diffusion of culture into the lands was possible here and for this Alexander was credited. I would prefer the classical age of Greece. The classical age of Greece was seen to have remarkable features with respect to the science and history developments, the creativity, the visual arts and more. Although there was much insecurity in terms of the Persian and the Peloponnesian wars, it was observed that the Greek society stuck to its ideals and attended to public affairs and societal issues in a democratic way. The worship of Gods in classical style and more ensured that the society was stable. On the other hand, the Hellenistic age also has many features to make it appealing. It was the time where the kingdom was divided among many after Alexander. There were many schools of thoughts born in this time from Stoics, the Skeptics, to the Epicurians. Art and literature was more innovative compared to the classical times, and architecture ideas came to be more refined.