

為了確定這一關鍵事件發生的原因,將使用Banrlund的事務模型。我發現這個理論是最合適的,以確定缺陷,並修復它與更好的解決方案。這個理論認為,個體在交流中扮演著不同的角色——有些發送,有些接收,有些兩者兼而有之。在這些情況下,發送方和接收方之間的關聯是相互的。因此,根據本構模型,解釋消息的方式是一個重要的關注領域。通信噪聲是造成通信缺陷和性能、質量問題的一個可能原因(Barnlund, 2008)。如果我研究這個課題,動態的本質是可以即興發揮的。通信的事務模型表明在發送方和接收方之間傳遞的信號中存在噪聲。我忘記了或者可能忽略了這種可能性。在我的案例中,反饋渠道從未存在過,這也是我們在演示中出現性能問題的主要原因。這裡使用的頻道是Skype。雖然甘特圖可以清晰地使用,但其他人也有可能面臨技術故障。
然而,Skype確實有來自不同來源的噪音(Little John and Foss, 2008)。可能有些人聽不見。有些人可能會在重點上失去注意力(Barnlund, 2008)。這樣做的好處是,即使在工作時間過後,溝通也很容易。這一學習表明,我必須使用一個更好的媒體與他們溝通,每當涉及到按時完成與良好的質量。這個模型堅持反饋,我認為我必須繼續努力。團隊合作讓我對選擇合適的渠道對一個重要項目的重要性有了更好的認識。我將完全遵循通信的事務模型來解決通信的障礙,確保安全準確地將消息傳遞給接收者(Little John and Foss, 2008)。特別的,我也明白噪音的來源必須盡可能的減少,這樣團隊成員才不會錯過重要的信息。當我意識到這是一個成員表現不佳的原因時,反饋的概念肯定會得到重視。這也導致了質量錯誤。


In order to determine the reason behind the occurrence of this critical incident, the transaction model by Banrlund will be used. I find this theory to be most appropriate to determine the flaws and also to fix it with better solutions. This theory states that the individuals play different roles in communication – some send, some receive and some do both. In those cases, the association between sender and receiver is reciprocal. Hence, the way that the message is being interpreted acts as an important area of concern as per the constitutive model. The communication noise is a possible reason for the gaps in communication and problems in performance and quality (Barnlund, 2008). The dynamic nature can be improvised if I work on this subject. The transactional model of communication indicates the presence of noise in the signal passed between a sender and a receiver. I have forgotten or probably omitted this possibility. The channel of feedback never existed in my case and this is the prime reason for performance issue in our presentation. The channel used here is Skype. While Gantt chart is clear to use, there is a possibility for others to face technical glitches.
However, Skype did have noise from different sources (Little John and Foss, 2008). Probably, some might not be able to hear. Some may lose concentration on important points (Barnlund, 2008). The advantage is the ease in communication even after the institution hours. This learning has indicated that I have to use a better medium to communicate with them whenever it comes to completion on time with good quality. This model insists on the feedback which I think I will have to work upon going forward. The team work gave me a better idea on the importance of choice of right channel for an important project. I will completely adhere to the transactional model of communication to address the barriers of communication and ensure safe and accurate delivery of messages to the receiver (Little John and Foss, 2008). In particular, I have also understood that the source of noise has to be reduced as much as possible so that the team members will not have to miss crucial information. The concept of feedback will certainly have to be worked upon as I realized that it is the reason for one member to underperform. It also led to quality errors.