


Felicity conditions can be classified into five conditions they are general conditions, content conditions, preparatory conditions, sincerity conditions and essential conditions. Under general conditions there is language that is presupposition of the language that is supposed to be used in a situation . Under content conditions languages or specific jargons based on the contextual aspect of the situation and utterance is developed (Perrault, 1990). Preparatory conditions deals with Illocutionary act. Sincerity conditions divulges about the original intent of the speaker. Essential conditions are a combination of utterances, context, speaker intention and the specific act that needs to be performed.
Observation of felicity conditions in the case study
Being a restaurant there was an initial discussion about the food menus and general menu orders was given to the waitress. This is the general conditions of the languages. General conditions are the presupposition of the language. Initial contextual discussions were about the same. As mentioned already Felicity conditions can be classified into five conditions they are general conditions, content conditions, preparatory conditions, sincerity conditions and essential conditions.
When they student greeted each other there was a general smile and a happy greeting that was given to the students who had joined the table. Their body language and their tone in greeting can be construed that the people in the conversation were really friends. The utterances were based on this context.

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