

在当今时代,服务管理的概念变得越来越重要。为了在当前的动态中保持竞争力,许多组织被发现依赖于服务元素。服务管理包括两个因素。从技术结果的角度来看,它是与生产相关的维度;从流程相关的角度来看,它是与服务相关的维度。创造体验最重要的方法之一是制定一个与消费者相关的适当计划。这个简单的概念在现实中很难实现。如果这些公司能够获得消费者的惠顾,就会有更大的可能为这些公司提供食物。因此,公司需要精心设计一个与消费者适当且相关的信息。为了实现这个范例,公司必须考虑到涉众的需求。现代企业需要平衡员工和消费者这两个利益相关者,以确保平稳的、有凝聚力的运营流程(Slack, 2015)。在代写assignment-服务管理的概念的分析中,将使用案例研究方法来实现此范式。企业必须考虑消费者的需求,根据消费者的需求开发服务,并制定适当的服务管理模式。这将使进程的所有利益攸关方都能受益。下面将对这些问题进行探讨。

In this particular analysis, Case Study of Java Lounge will be used. Interview methods will be used for this case study analysis. There will be a qualitative case study that will be undertaken. To fill in the gaps in research, data from secondary sources will be used. Qualitative case study methodology enables the researchers to study intricate phenomena within the context. These approaches need to be applied in the relevant spaces in order for it to be a valuable method in the research. The companies can develop an appropriate model based on the insights that are collated from the sources. There can be development of recommendation and defining of the important variables (Walker, 2016). To ensure that there were ethics in these researches process, the names of the people and the name of the restaurant where they were interviewed have been changed. This was to make the staff more forthcoming of the issues. Prior written consent was obtained from the people to ensure that the data they shared could be published. They spoke under conditions of anonymity. This will be further applied to the triangulation notions. The triangulation is an important technique that enables in the validation of data by cross verification with two or more sources. These applied to the research which can be a several research methods applied to understand the same phenomenon. One of the innate limitation of the qualitative case study is skewing of data and possible bias by the researcher. To overcome this limitation, secondary sources of data can be used. These would enable in the bolstering of the arguments (Grönroos, 2007). The research findings will get more credibility in this process. From this, the companies can use these in a commercial placing.
About Case Study
Java Lounge provides the people with café, tea and Breakfast brunch to the people. The restaurant is found to exist in Birmingham UK. The restaurant tries to create an elegant ambience in order to address the needs of the consumers. There is separate space that is aesthetically designed to ensure consumer privacy. Custom made food orders are undertaken in the restaurant. There were interviews conducted with the manager of the restaurant and the employees. In order to obtain consent from these employees, the names were changed. The restaurant faces issues of stiff competition. There are similar restaurants that offer service offering that is competitively priced. The restaurant is struggling to sustain in the current times. The manager has provided with a number of perceptions that had caused the restaurant to face the issues.
One of the central tenets of the service is ensuring that the consumer services are appropriately maintained. This is the first step of the analysis.

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