美国 essay 代 写:团队项目

美国 essay 代 写:团队项目

在传统的设置中,基于团队的项目要求团队成员在特定的时间内在特定的地点出现。全球虚拟团队以接受团队成员参与和项目任务交付的概念而闻名(Majchrzak et al., 2010)。这有助于跨国公司在其全球员工基础中充分利用最广泛的人才资源。团队从来没有面对面的会议,所有的项目工作都是通过VOIP技术以及SharePoint等其他虚拟会议应用程序进行的。ERP可以被看作是一个行业术语,用来描述为业务流程管理向组织提供支持和帮助的活动的广泛组合。ERP可以定义为企业管理软件的一个类别,组织可以使用它来收集、存储、管理和解释来自任何业务活动的数据(HassabElnaby et al., 2012)。这通常由一组集成的应用程序组成。

美国 essay 代 写:团队项目
Rezgui(2007)对虚拟团队的有效性进行了调查,重点研究了构建部门和影响采用成功的因素。此外,May和Carter(2001)对欧洲汽车行业虚拟团队工作的研究,描述了地理分布的工程师团队之间协作和沟通的增强。在缩短上市时间、降低成本和提高质量方面已确定了一些好处。形成和性能的虚拟团队可以被视为重大项目持有跨越边界的要求或跨职能技术投入,创造价值的关键是确保的位置——定义的策略来克服文化和时区问题(HassabElnaby et al .,2012)。虽然可能会考虑将沟通作为团队的传统问题,但这个问题在语言、文化多样性和距离方面的影响被放大了。

美国 essay 代 写:团队项目

In the traditional setting, projects based on team held the requirement of physical presence of team member at a certain place for a specific duration of time. Global virtual teams are known for embracing the concept that there can be engagement of team members and delivery of their project tasks with no or limited physical direct interaction with the others (Majchrzak et al., 2010). This helps multinational companies for drawing upon the broadest available pool of talent among their global base of employees. There is never a face-to-face meeting of team, and all project work is conducted by the use of VOIP technology, along with other applications for virtual meeting like SharePoint. ERP can be considered as the industrial term used for the wide combination of activities providing support and assistance to organizations for the management of business processes. ERP can be defined as a category for software of business management that can be used by organizations for the collection, storage, management and interpretation of data from any activities of business (HassabElnaby et al., 2012). This typically consists of a suite of integrated application.

美国 essay 代 写:团队项目
The effectiveness delivered by virtual team was investigated by Rezgui (2007) focusing on the sector of construction and exploring factors that affect the success of adoption. In addition, research on work of virtual team in the automotive industry of Europe by May and Carter (2001) depicted the enhancement of collaboration and communication among the team of engineers with geographical distribution. Several benefits were identified with respect to reduced time-to-market, reduced costs and improved quality. Formation and performance of virtual teams can be considered as significant for projects holding the requirement of cross boundary or cross functional skilled inputs, and the key for creation of value is ensuring the placement of a well- defined strategy for overcomes issues related to culture and time zones (HassabElnaby et al., 2012). While there might be consideration of communication as the traditional issue of team, there is a magnified effect of this issue in terms of language, cultural diversity and distance.



以下将详细说明公司的业务能力和总体愿景、使命陈述。公司的业务能力是拥有4000平方米的灵活楼面面积,可容纳1200多名代表。会议和功能中心的运作,以满足消费者的需求。酒店拥有可容纳1200人的大宴会厅、100个展位展示空间、11个会议室、14个希尔顿会议室。酒店位于悉尼市中心,交通便利(Hilton Group 2016)。希尔顿集团的愿景和使命宣言如下:“让地球充满热情好客的阳光和温暖——通过提供非凡的体验——每一家酒店,每一位客人,每一次。”

(Hilton Group, 2016)和“成为世界上最好客的公司——为客人创造贴心的体验,为团队成员创造有意义的机会,为业主创造高价值,为我们的社区带来积极影响”(Hilton Group, 2016)。这表明公司非常重视确保消费者的需求得到满足。他们最初开发一个业务计划以满足特定的目标,并为每个操作定义重要的变量。在业务计划中,他们开发一个预算里程碑、预可交付成果和实际可交付服务。


The business capabilities and the overall vision, mission statement of the company will be elucidated in detail in the following. The business capabilities for the company are that it has a 4000 Square meter flexible floor space and can accommodate over 1200 delegates. The conference and function center has been maneuvered to meet consumer demands. There is 1200 seat Grand Ballroom, 100 booth exhibition space and 11 event rooms and 14 Hilton meeting rooms. The place is at the center of Sydney and is has adequate transportation and access (Hilton Group 2016). The vision and mission statement of the Hilton group are as follows, “To fill the earth with the light and warmth of hospitality –by delivering exceptional experiences – every hotel, every guest, every time.”

(Hilton Group, 2016) and “To be the most hospitable company in the world – by creating heartfelt experiences for Guests, meaningful opportunities for Team Members, high value for Owners and a positive impact in our Communities” (Hilton Group, 2016).This shows that the company gives a lot of importance to ensure that the consumer’s needs have been met. They initially develop a business plan to meet the specific objectives and define the important variables for each operation. In the business plan, they develop a budgeting milestone, pre- deliverables and actual service deliverable.

essay 代写:雾霾严重和密集的因素

essay 代写:雾霾严重和密集的因素


essay 代写:雾霾严重和密集的因素

essay 代写:雾霾严重和密集的因素

Therefore, the major air pollutants include coal smoke with suspended coal particles, and sulphur dioxide (SO2). A study highlighted that in majority of the cases, the pollution of Beijing becomes worse that it impairs proper visibility which becomes as low as 50 feet (15 meters) and even lower. In majority of the cases quality of the air is 40 times elevated than the acceptable quality set by WHO (World health Organization). In the year 2010, a study conducted by the Chinese Government presented that 1.2 million premature deaths are caused due to air pollution in China and there is a chance that lives of more than 500 million Chinese will be reduced by approximately 5 years because of air pollution that is increasing at an alarming rate in China. It has also been noticed that meteorology is another factor that makes the haze severe and dense.

essay 代写:雾霾严重和密集的因素
Studies have pointed out that the PM in the air increases periodically in Beijing and is mostly driven by the variations flow of wind from one direction to the other. It has been observed that when the wind begins blowing from south, the city starts facing trouble. The factories around the city are located mostly in the southern region. During reactively sluggish conditions, the pollutants in the gaseous state released from city traffic and coming from the industries react with the air and produce a large quantity of PM at a local level. It has been observed that the issue of haze and pollution is more intense during the fall, spring and winter seasons because heavy rain occurs during summer and it helps to clean the air by washing away the particles.



英国航空(British Airways)也被称为英航(BA),它被贴上了英国旗舰航空公司的标签。它是布列塔尼最大的航空公司。在载客参数上,它被称为第二大航空公司。1974年,联合王国政府成立了英国航空公司。英国航空公司的母公司是国际航空集团。该组织有一些子公司,包括英国航空公司的CityFlyer、英国航空公司的World Cargo等。据报道,英国航空公司的主要枢纽位于伦敦希思罗机场,总部设在水边。英国航空公司是许多航空公司联盟的创始成员。



The British Airways also termed as BA is tagged as a flag carrier airline of the UK. It is the largest airline in the Brittaine. It is known as the second largest airline on the parameter of carrying passengers. In the year 1974, the British airlines was established by the government of the United Kingdoms. The parent company of The British Airways is International Airlines Group. The organisation has certain subsidiaries which include BA CityFlyer, The British Airways World Cargo and etc. It is reported that the main hub of The British Airways is at London Heathrow Airport and based in Waterside. The British Airways is founding member in many airlines alliances.

Now, to name a few, Oneworld airline alliance, Cathay Pacific, Qantas Airlines, etc. The direct competitor of The British Airways is Easyjet as it has transported more passengers than BA.It has been estimated that the annual turnover of The British Airways in the last fiscal year was £11,333. It has been reported that the organisation has 39,309 employees working for the organisation approximately. It has been reported that by the end of the last annual year, the British Airways had 284 aircrafts. The annual revenue of the organisation in the last fiscal year was £11,642.



企业家想象力或企业想象力是创新的关键(Hamel and Prahalad, 1991)。在新项目的研究,如Bhide(2000)国家,企业家将“必须使用他们的想象力想象他们的公司可以成为沿着几个维度,如市场服务,他们将获得的有形和无形的努力,和他们的组织的气候和规范”(琼斯& Pitelis,2015,p . 296)。创业想象力的话题及其对创新的影响将直接影响到一个组织的财务可持续性,正如在当前竞争激烈的市场中,组织必须通过创新才能在竞争中生存。研究者对这一问题的特殊兴趣是由于个人的职业选择,以创造一个创业企业的未来。本项目将从理论上探讨想象力在创业过程中的作用。

它将研究关于机会发现/创造和机会发展过程的文献,并以此为创业想象力理论的发展奠定基础。可能进行飞行员面谈。创业型企业无法满足于创业所发展的利基业务领域。在一个充满挑战的世界里,企业变得更有创造性和创新性变得很有必要。现有的作者必须改变心态,此外它也是很有必要,企业家应该把这样的经验技术,与利益相关者沟通和理解的市场为了想出创新的组织,在这种背景下创业想象成为一个重要的概念(琼斯& Pitelis,2015)。只有对创业想象力的挑战,以及创业想象力转化为创新的挑战进行研究,企业才有可能提出可行的、成功的创新。


Entrepreneurial imagination or corporate imagination as it has been called is the key to innovations (Hamel and Prahalad, 1991). In new ventures, research such as Bhidé (2000) state that entrepreneurs will “have to use their imaginations to envision what their firms could become along several dimensions, such as the markets they will serve, the tangible and intangible efforts they will acquire, and their organization’s climate and norms” (Jones, & Pitelis, 2015, p. 296). The topic of entrepreneurial imagination and its effect on innovations will directly have an impact on the financial sustainability of an organization, as in current competitive markets, organizations will have to innovate to survive the competition. The researcher’s specific interest in this arises because of personal career choice to create an entrepreneurial venture in the future.This project will theoretically explore the role of the imagination in the entrepreneurial process.

It will examine literature on opportunity discovery/creation and the opportunity development process, and use this to lay the groundwork for the development of a theory on entrepreneurial imagination. Possible pilot interviews may be conducted.An entrepreneurial business cannot afford to stay content with the niche business segment that the entrepreneurship has developed on. In a world of challenges, it becomes necessary for the business to become more creative and innovative. Existing mindset of the authors have to be changed and in addition it is also necessary that entrepreneurs should combine such experiences in technology, their communication with stakeholders and their understanding of the market in order to come up with innovations for the organization, and in this context entrepreneurial imagination becomes a significant concept (Jones, & Pitelis, 2015). Only when challenges to entrepreneurial imagination, and the challenges for the conversion of entrepreneurial imagination into innovation are studied, then it will be possible for businesses to come up with feasible and successful innovations.



毕业论文写作,选题是关键。选题是论文写作的第一个步骤,它确定了论文的 写作范围。正确的选题是写好开题报告和毕业论文的前提。在选题中要注意以下几点:









































PET成像或PET扫描是正电子发射层析成像的简称。PET是核医学成像。PET致力于帮助医生诊断和评估相关人员的医疗状况。PET是非侵入性的,需要静脉注射。在生物活性分子中引入正电子发射生物核素示踪剂。所有的成像扫描都使用放射性材料,如放射性药物或放射性示踪剂,以及PET/CT扫描仪(Sherer et al., 2014)。然后,系统检测这些示踪剂浓度在体内的伽马射线发射。图像在扫描中生成,在扫描中可以识别病人体内异常的位置。


18F是一种正电子发射的生物核素,它被引入体内用于医学诊断中的PET成像。这是半衰期的同位素。18F的半衰期是110分钟。放射性核素通常被制成一种叫做射电示踪剂的化合物,通过与葡萄糖或水等物质混合,使其能够与位点结合。因此,氟-18是一种放射性核素,在注射的当天就会发生多次半衰期衰减,因此患者必须事先进行监测和安排监测(Sherer et al., 2014)。


PET imaging or PET scan is the short form of Positron emission tomography. The PET is a nuclear medicine imaging. The PET is works to help physicians diagnose and evaluate medical conditions for the person involved. The PET is non-invasive and involves injecting intravenously. A positron emitting bio nuclide tracer is introduced into the body on a bio active molecule. All imaging scans make use of radioactive materials, such as the radiopharmaceuticals or radiotracers, and the PET/CT scanners (Sherer et al., 2014). The system then detects the gamma ray emissions from these tracer concentrations in the body. Images are generated in the scan where the location of an anomaly in the patient’s body can be identified.

18F is the positron emitting bionuclide that is introduced in the body for PET imaging used in Medical diagnostics. This is an isotope with a half-life. The half-life of 18F is 110 minutes. The radionuclides are usually made as a compound called the radio tracer by mixing with something like glucose or water, in order for it to be able to bind to the site. So Fluorine-18 is a radionuclide that has multiple half-life decay within the day in which it is injected, and hence the patient has to be monitored and scheduled for in advance for the monitoring (Sherer et al., 2014).



活跃的受众理论认为人类不只是接收信息。他们积极参与基于他们的意识形态和知识的信息的理解。对受众的信仰、价值观和教育的影响(Shoemaker and Reese, 2013),对媒体信息的解码。观众一直都在参与媒体如何与他们互动以及如何满足他们的需求。这些受众不是信息的被动接受者;相反,他们积极参与信息如何被人们理解。根据Stuart Hall的说法,有三种类型的观众。他们是主要的观众,谈判的观众和对立的读者(Shoemaker和Reese, 2013)。占主导地位的受众是接受信息并复制首选阅读的霸权读者。

谈判的读者试图整理信息,并将其与他们的意识形态一致。对立的读者或反霸权的读者被发现直接反对主导的代码和理解首选阅读。他们试图建立一个可供选择的参考框架(Shoemaker和Reese, 2013)。社交媒体的出现改变了活跃受众理论的动态。在这些动态中,观众的分类已经完全转变了。出现了新时代的观众,他们不能被划分为任何一个观众群体(Shoemaker和Reese, 2013)。听众已经成为信息传递给不同群体的支持者或部分。


The active audience theory states that humans do not simply receive information. They are actively involved in making sense of the message based on their ideology and knowledge. There is decoding of the media message that is influenced by the beliefs, values and education of the audience (Shoemaker and Reese, 2013). Audiences have always been involved in how the media is engaged with them and how it meets their needs. These audiences are not passive receivers of the information; rather they are actively involved in how the information is construed by the people. According to Stuart Hall, there are three kinds of audiences. They are the dominant audiences, negotiated audiences and oppositional readers (Shoemaker and Reese, 2013). The dominant audiences are the hegemonic readers who accept the information and reproduce the preferred reading.

The negotiated reader tries to collate information and aligns it with their ideology. The oppositional reader or the counter-hegemonic readers are found to be directly opposing to the dominate code and understand the preferred reading. They try to build an alternative frame of reference (Shoemaker and Reese, 2013). Emergence of social media has changed the dynamics of the active audience theory. The audience classification has been turned completely in these dynamics. There is the emergence of the new age audience who cannot be classified into any one audience groups (Shoemaker and Reese, 2013). The audience have become the proponent or a part in which the information is carried over to the different groups.