



The tiger walk experience is given to the people at a rate of 695$ (this will include up to 4 people). This is a restricted package in that children under than 15 years of age will not be allowed. In this package, four members are allowed to go on a morning stroll with the tiger and the handler for that tiger. This experience is offered on Sunday and all weekdays except Wednesday (Tiger Island, 2015). The experience would last for an approximate 60 minutes and a handler and a photographer will accompany the people who have brought the package. They are given color prints, a tiger island souvenir book and also a plush tiger toy
Value for Customers: Personally, the tiger walk experience was a completely new experience. The walk is conducted only in the morning, this could be of a inconvenience to the visitor, however as the handler explained the experience is conducted in the morning because it is easier to take out the tiger when there are lesser number of visitors who might disturb the tiger when it is outside its (artificially constructed) natural habitats. The personal interaction with the handler who was conducted the tour is a marketing advantage for Tiger Island and Dream world. The handler presented details on the tiger which was a Bengal tiger and was called Sita (Tiger Island, 2015). The handler in addition to details of the tiger, its parentage and other details also presented the efforts of Dreamworld to help sustain the tiger population (Tripadvisor, 2013). Zoo businesses play a significant role in the conservation of the species (Christie, 2009). The work of Dreamworld to help visitors get as much information about tigers and other interactional benefits were also presented. This was a form of traditional word of mouth advertising. The physical appearance of the tiger walk experience definitely supports the image propagated by Dreamworld. Additionally the tiger walk experience also avails the users a 50 percent of the day entry tickets. These are value added services to the customer which enhances the brand image of Dreamworld through the product package sold. Photos are also available to the person in the form of a USB which can be purchased for an additional cost of 50$.





Media has been a prominent medium of communication throughout the modern history and its significance can be gauged by the fact that it has powers to influence the thinking of the masses and sharing critical opinions on burning matters. With time we have seen new media formats emerging to communicate with people, engage them in discussions and debates and helping the masses voice out what they feel about a particular piece of news. The importance of communication medium is because information is vital for every human being’s existence. From knowing the most simplistic news like weather and forecast to the controversial/serious political digests, from glamour and gossip to sports and business, all these areas interest people based on their tastes and preferences. The proliferation of Internet has even made the significance of medium much impactful and deepened its reach. Hence with this regard the choice of medium also becomes important because as important is the news so is the need for it to get communicated across to everyone, the faster it goes usually the better it is (Glassman, M., 2012). We also have to analyze that, who is it that holds the ownership of the content as it is a very important parameter because as we discussed above, information is always of value to anyone and here the control makes it easier to decide how and when they utilize it.






From the review of Amazon corpus, the filmmakers argue that, if they had produced dramatic visual segments to illustrate scenes in the discussion, they would have placed indelible visual stamps on what these things “really looked like”. In fact, the whole point of this fascinating documentary series is to peel back those accumulated layers of centuries-old assumptions to freshly consider the actual original record. But still the website has got its name for the better product provisions and services.

In order to describe the opportunities and the challenges involved in creating such a website, one must consider the run time analysis and the successful results. Knowing the true and false values of the survey and the details described in the analysis, the pseudo code output could be compared. This comparison will help the program and the opinion extractor to provide best validations and results. From the successful analysis, there is no any sign of afoul or inaccurate limits in each and every single stage of the process. Also the compiling stage has got no errors in each and every single sector of the analysis. Finally, the performance factors are tending to be so high. The speech tagging and the dependency parsing will be helpful in providing sufficient details for the specific context of the report. Also, these analyses, runtime programs, inputs, outputs and the parsing strategies are the final activities that are being covered in the lab sessions. Through this simple report, one could be able to analyze the sectors and the inputs, outputs and return process that have been compiled and processed for making a successful analysis.









Launches is the past form of the word launch which has multiple connotations in the English language of which the most common one means to incept or inaugurate. It has been anciently used to also refer to a motorboat as well and is grammatically a simple verb that indicates some action.

Talking Books is a multi-word item and a noun that indicates a contemporary concept to aid the visually impaired in reading books. It is a formally used term to indicate the phonograph record of a book without the need to read.

“Publishers” is the plural form of the simple word publisher that is a formal title given to a person who is into the business of publishing and printing. The reference to the word is much dated and is a literally used word in the language.

eReader manufacturer is a multi-word noun that indicates the person or business that produces an electronic and portable device for reading. The reference of this phrase is to digital manufacturers and is applied in a formal and literal sense.

“Those with sight loss” is a phrase used to describe the blind and the visually impaired. It is a compound multi-word item that is a much dated reference to the sightless but is a formal reference in text when using the word blind is quite clichéd.





The other very important feature of European Union is the continuity of the institution for this long and the change that it has brought in the system. The union although faces lots of problems because the organization is very large, so bring communication among everyone and taking consent with everyone is a time taking process. European Union faced problem in passing the bill of constitutional treaty which was supposed to be used for bringing the reform in the institution but it was rejected by France and Netherland and was not taken forward. It was a very important reform and the example clearly shows the shortfalls of the institution but what is very unique about this institution is that it has retained many of important features and yet has an existence which is deeply rooted. The institution is trying to welcomechanges as time is changing and brought some distinctive changes with time but the institution have evolved over the years. From being ruthless, it has now become the most effective institution. They are still struggling to bring changes as far as policies and laws are concerned.





While the world is carried away by the Apple mystique, painstaking research reveals the reality of business acumen and management expertise behind that imposing facade across a multitude of platforms and winning products. Apple research and development teams have revolutionized software and hardware combined something that no other company has achieved. The client on the street responded favourably to the sheer simplicity of Apple advertising campaigns and the uncluttered nature of communication devoid of technical detail that confuses users in most cases. Apple was stressing a new lifestyle more than anything else and did succeed wonderfully. Meanwhile, the sun continues to shine upon Apple for an eternity





News, business, persons and personalities, you can find everything on board. With such a platform served no one falls behind in having a crunch of it. Hence a quick and effective way for propagating propaganda is social media. Social media has served well in adding up the social capital to some extent. Social capital helps gaining useful associations among individuals and groups that prove beneficial for both. As it goes social media is now carrying, making and breaking the images of organizations and brands, strategic communication has found its stage in social media. Once the information is on social media, it remains there for a long time to come and flashes up every time one searches it with a key word. Hence lasting effects follow up. Images have become e-mages and hence the organizations and professional are demanding upgrading themselves in the e-war for publicity and PR



著名作家郭敬明开始了他大屏幕的独立尝试。由他亲自改编及执导自己的代表作《小时代》,6 月27日在全国影院华丽登场,并引发了观众的狂热讨论。这次电影将分两集,分别定名为《小时代》、《小时代-青木时代》,第二集将于贺岁档上映。2008 年至2012 年,郭敬明连续出版《小时代》三部曲,赢得了大批读者的热烈追捧,而这次电影演出及制作阵容之强大,也成为吸引很多观众到电影的筹码。被誉为拯救了《富春山居图》的《小时代》可能是2013年争议最大的一部电影,高票房烂口碑,前有3天破2亿的票房,后有俊男美女加导演的死忠粉跟影评人网上对骂,把这片越骂越火,片方连炒作的成本都省了。夸的夸骂的骂,我个人则认为网友对该片评价最精准也最狠的一句莫过于华丽的垃圾。






















