




While interning at a bank recently, in my capacity as an intern I was able to gain and enhance my knowledge regarding the professional responsibilities and about the work environment. Over a period of time I was able to learn the process of vouching to verify the costs incurred by a company, the components of a financial report and how various things are recorded accurately. The other things which I learnt while interning were casting of financial statements to detect errors and frauds, and also the way to analyze a bank statement. I decision to base my career in finance was reaffirmed by my internship at a bank. By watching TED talks together with focusing on my schoolwork I like to widen my intellectual horizons. While listening to the established and successful entrepreneurs I feel inspired and it motivates me to me more strategic and aspirational in my thinking.

At several moments’ sports has had a major impact on my life as it fills me with an enjoyment which not very many things can do. Swimming, cycling and playing badminton has made me a more disciplined individual. In has rendered me a chance to maintain a unique equilibrium amongst both my personal life and my studies.






The crown has been created with such high level of details that it gleams and sparkles. Creation of the visual light generates a great enthusiasm (Langmur& Lynton, 2009). A disadvantage can be observed in this kind of design. This is in the form of the external outline of Madonna which looks like a bulky figure. It appears as if she has a very high waist and very delicate hands. The face seems to have a child like expression. It depicts a virgin facial type. Therefore, the basic concept of the design which has been implemented in the diagram is conservative, but the delicate and the subtle light make the figure more and more existent and create a new vibrancy.

Thus, the kind of art which is created through the document creates an appeal which forces the person to look beyond the naïve. Beyond the lady, the painter has created a Gothic church. The document thereby, depicts the new union of the elements which belong to the natural space. This art form depicts two different kinds of situations. On one hand the lady has been depicted as the symbol of the church and the purity of the church has been given with the virgin lady. On the other hand there is a description of the lady and her own personification. The painting has been presented in a very linguistic manner and there is a sense of verisimilitude within the context of the open and the disguised symbolism.





因此,企业社会责任活动可以是一个有效的工具,它也将成为一个双重目的。首先,它可以帮助增加公司的积极评价,并可以帮助公司向公众市场。它也可以使企业更负责,也有助于公司履行其职责的社会(霍姆& 瓦茨,1999)。


Pharmco being a midsized firm with not a worldwide presence cannot afford to have such negative publicities. In fact the firm needs a lot of positive reviews as it is a growing firm. These positive reviews as well as increased trust can be done through CSR activities.

One more aspect of the pharmaceutical business is the decreasing pipeline of the products. Pharmaceutical companies manufacture the researched drug at a high price till the patent expires and post that many firms can manufacture the generic drug at a very low price. It takes years of research to come out with a new drug. Also Pharmco doesn’t have a very strong pipeline of drugs lined up for research. Also many firms have come up in the recent past which manufactures cheap generic drugs and their reach in public also has increased and this had led to strong competition in the market. This competition along with the negative feedback can be a big setback for the firm. Thus the firm needs to adopt new ways of the marketing itself. With these incidents occurring along with increasing competition, CSR activities can be an effective tool for the firms to market itself to the public.

Thus CSR activities can be an effective tool and it will also serve a dual purpose. First it can help to increase the firm positive reviews and can help the firm to market itself to the public. Also it can make the firm looks more responsible and also help the firm to fulfill its duties for the society (Holme & Watts, 1999).






One significant strategy used in the book is that of contextualizing. This means that the texts in the book had been placed in the context of culture, biography and history. While going through this book, one can easily read it linking it with their own experience. By reading the words, significance can be seen of the information provided in the text. It also provides value related to specific location and specific point of time. The place and time played a significant role in presenting the entire plot of the story, at times related to different place and time in a radical manner. This strategy helped in recognizing the differences that lie amongst the attitude and values related to the past of the reader.

Hence, this strategy helped in providing a nostalgic element within the novel. As a narrator, Jess, while being lost in her thoughts, she is focused on the things around her as she watches her shadow, or the birds, taps her feet to watch water while it rippled. In studying the environment, a number of readers can relate themselves with that particular information. The best way to interpret the story is by diving into the words and believing what the writer is saying as being the truth (Miller, 22). This helps in getting closer to the theme. Being a believer that such an event may take place and there is a possibility that such a family is on a road trip, fighting with their emotional and physical strength, helps to be linked with the story in a better manner.






The most persistent question to be asked is as to the creation of the universe in which we live. Once it was thought by many that there was no end to the universe or beginning and it was indeed endless. But the universe is considered infinite with the beginning of the Theory of Big Bang. The property of a finite phenomenon was forced on universe, holding a beginning and a history.

The expansion of the universe was started by a tremendous explosion around 15 billion years in the past. The blast is termed as the Big Bang. Entire energy and matter of galaxy at the point of this event was limited at only one specific point. Before the occurrence of this event what existed is regarded as true assumption and is completely unknown. This occurrence was an occasion filling entire space with all of the atoms of the embryonic universe hastening away from one another and was not a conventional blast. Unlike an explosion of a bomb in which the wreckages are outwardly thrown, the Big Bang actually consisted of a blast of space in itself. The basic for the universe is laid by the Big Bang and not the fact that a cluster was formed of all the galaxies.













Cultural policies mostly cover a wide spectrum of activities and generally involve public support for the following:
• Heritage (cultural or other) of a place and other sites of historical importance
• Zoos and public parks
• Public Libraries
• Museums of various types like fine arts, scientific and historical
• Varied forms of visual arts which include film, painting, sculpture, pottery, architecture, etc.
• Various types of performing arts like various kinds of music (symphonic etc); folk dance (music); modern dance; performances in opera and circus
• Other areas like poetry or creative writing.
It is widely believed that cultural policy involves spending money for a predetermined cultural purpose, yet it has the involvement of significantly larger number of things. It can sometimes be embedded into the decisions about other issues in which culture plays a significant part, such as education, healthcare, development of culture or overall economic development.









土木工程是建造各类工程设施的科学技术的统称。它既指所应用的材料、设备和所进行的勘测、设计、施工、保养维修等技术活动;也指工程建设的对象,即建造在地上或地下、陆上或水中 ,直接或间接为人类生活、生产、军事、科研服务的各种工程设施,例如房屋、道路、铁路、运输管道、隧道、桥梁、运河、堤坝、港口、电站、飞机场、海洋平台、给水和排水以及防护工程等。






从 大 色 域 往 更 理 性 的 方 向 走 一 步 就 是 硬 边 绘 画 。 这 一 路 画 家 完 全 放弃了即 兴 、 随 机 的 效 果 , 只 是 平 涂 大 片 颜 色 , 让 手 中 绘 制 的 图 画 达 到 象 机 器 印制的那 样 , 色 彩 明 丽 均 匀 , 边 线 挺 括 — — 因 此 有 “ 硬 边 ” 一 说 。 比 如 象 凯 利 (Ell s w o r t h   K e l l y 1 9 2 8 - ) 的 画 , 总 是 在 画 面 上 只 画 一 两个硬边 几 何 形 , 涂 一 到 两 种 色 彩 ( 图 2 ) , 这 使 他 成 为 硬 边绘 画的 主 要 代 表 。他 对 抽 象 画 的 体 会 是 : “ 与 把 一 张 画 弄 成 是 对 一 个 事 物 的 解 释或一 种 内 容 的 创作 相 反 , 我 发 现 了 物 体 自 身 。 我 注 视 和 观 看 到 的 每 一 件 东 西 都已经 被 做 好 了 ,它 就 是 它 自 己 , 增 一 分 则 长 , 减 一 分 则 损 。 这 是 一 种 新 自 由 :不需 要 你 再 往 上添 加 什 么 东 西 , 客 体 已 经 是 现 现 成 成 在 那 儿 了 。 我 发 现 每 一 件东西 都 是 美 妙 非常 的 , 只 有 人 故 意 想 使 它 美 的 企 图 才 会 把 它 弄 得 不 美 。 ” 这 位艺术 家 显 然 反 对任 何 人 为 的 因 素 渗 透 到 物 象 本 身 单 纯 的 形 式 中 , 所 以 他 要 让 画面单 纯 , 简 单。

话 这 一 路 绘 画 还 有 扬 格 曼 ( J a c k   Y o u n g e r m a n , 1926 - ) , 赫 尔 德 ( A l   H e l d , 1 9 2 8 - ) 。 但 他 们 的 作 品 比 凯 利的要繁 复 一 些 , 人 为 的 设 计 要 多 一 些 。 扬 格 曼 的 作 品 是 很 优 雅 的 , 他 从 自 然 的花朵草 叶 上 吸 收 造 型 的 元 素 , 形 式 洗 炼 , 色 彩 明 快 , 有 马 蒂 斯 晚 年 剪 纸 的 风 格 — — 单 纯 、 悦 目 、 优 美 ( 图 ) 。 这 可 能 是 他 有 不 少 年 头 生 活 在 法 国 又 娶 了 法国 女子为 妻 的 缘 故 罢 。 赫 尔 德 的 画 虽 然 是 “ 硬 边 ” 的 , 但 毫 无 凯 利 的 简 单 , 却是 很复杂 的 几 何 形 交 错 编 织 在 一 起 , 有 些 象 “ 七 巧 板 ” 游 戏 , 又 象 是 工 程 师 绘制 的结构 重 叠 的 图 纸。





刘徽大约与赵爽同时,他继承和发展了战国时期名家和墨家的思想,主张对一些数学名词特别是重要的数学概念给以严格的定义,认为对数学知识必须进行“析理”,才能使数学著作简明严密,利于读者。他的《九章算术》注不仅是对《九章算术》的方法、公式和定理进行一般的解释和推导,而且在论述的过程中有很大的发展。刘徽创造割圆术,利用极限的思想证明圆的面积公式,并首次用理论的方法算得圆周率为 157/50和 3927/1250。

