

博士论文代写-酒店提高员工服务绩效的方法,酒店的服务取决于员工的士气,如果员工感到有负担,就会反映在对人民的服务上。这些都是一些可以提高员工绩效的方法,客户面临的问题是独特的。在这种情况下,管理者应善于解决问题,并有实践经验纠正服务质量方面的错误。除了基于直觉的方法之外,还应该有一个解决问题的逻辑过程。在这种情况下,最好的做法是开发启发式的原型。因此,对人的投资模式应该由公司来开发。应该给员工更多的培训和发展。国际知识产权模式的好处大于坏处。从事酒店行业的公司应该在人员合作方面加大投入。任何技术都应该是对人的补充,并且应该用于增加参与过程的利益相关者的效用。对于一个公司来说,最重要的问题和公司最雄厚的实力是公司的人员。招下来有关博士论文代写-酒店提高员工服务绩效的方法 分享给留学生阅读。

For this the Investment in People model should be developed by the company. More training and development should be given to the employees. The benefits of the IIP model overweighs the negatives. The company involved in hospitality sector should invest heavily on the people to cooperate. Any technology should be an addendum to the people and should be used to increase the utility for the stakeholders involved in the process (Nieves & Segarra-Ciprés, 2015.) The most important issue for a company and the most substantial strength of the company are the personnel of the company. People management is a difficult task and efforts need to be continually managed in order to ensure that people are performing according to the needs of the people (Heizer, Render & Weiss, 2004). Most important fact that needs to be kept in mind is that the needs of the people are subjective.
Services of the hotel are dependent on the morale of the employees (Chon & Yu, 2012). If the employees are feeling burdened, it will be reflected upon the services to the people. These are some of the ways in which the people performance can be improved in the company. The problems faced by the customers are unique (Slack, Chambers & Johnston, 2010). In this case the managers should be adept in solving the problems and have hands on experience in rectifying the errors made in service quality to the people. More than intuitive based approaches, there should be a logical process to solve the issues. In this case, the best course of action is developing heuristically prototypes (Rimmington, Williams & Morrison, 2009). Whitbread manages three kinds of services within the hospitality sector. Based on each sector such as the hotel, café and the speciality restaurant, they need to devise specific strategy or heuristics based on the subjective requirement in each chain.
Even though the employee is given training by the management, in reality it is the customer who makes the important transformations. They are the active recipients of the services and they become the co-creators of the services (Ivanova, Ivanov & Magnini, 2016). Modern day British consumer is highly oriented towards technology and want to utilize services that are expedient and exploit the latest technology. Their feedback should be documented and counted towards the employee appraisal process (Henschel, Gruner & Von Freyberg, B., 2013).

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