


与其他先进的民主国家相比,澳大利亚一直保持一定距离政治基于种族和移民问题。在整个历史,吞没了主要经济体地区冲突,澳大利亚避免了出现的问题,从文化和社会的巨大的移民人口多样化。甚至在种族和种族多样性的存在。人们来自不同地区在整个历史的运动使得澳大利亚多元文化的土地(Banton, 2002)。在欧洲殖民,土著人有超过10卢比,住整个非洲大陆食物采集者。尽管多样性,从沙漠到热带雨林,雪山,原住民的人土地的统治者。



In contrast with the other advanced democratic country, Australia has kept a certain distance from politics based on race and immigration. Throughout the history, which has engulfed major economies into a regional conflict, Australia has avoided the problems that arise from the enormous immigrant population that is culturally and socially diverse. Even diversity exists on the racial and ethnic lines. The movement of people from various regions throughout the history has made the Australia multi-cultural land (Banton, 2002). During the European settlement, there were more than 10 lakhs aborigines, who lived across the continent as food gatherers. Despite the diversity, from deserts to rainforest and snow-capped mountains, the aborigine’s people were the ruler of the land.

As the competition among the westerns power increased, a large number of the explorers visited the coast of Australia. The colonization brought huge devastating effect on the aborigines. Mixing with other people brought genetic changes, which caused many diseases and huge interference in their traditional practices. The process of APEC has brought most regional groups on the common platform. It is based on the consensus process, which reflects a lack of structure, which even lacks the power of enforcement and which is present in the context of World Trade Organizations. However, it contains diverse economies, like the developed United States of America and Japan, the middle economy like Chinese Taipei and Korea.