

在本篇毕业论文代写-共享经济公司的案例讨论中,共享经济公司是对等消费主义平台的自吹自擂者。除了充当商业活动的推动者,优步(UBER)或Airbnb等这类公司对商业活动的影响几乎没有责任。这是共享公司没有说出来的。共享经济实际上最小化了公司风险,并将风险传递给员工、客户、客户或社区。在这方面的争论是,让一个朋友或某人搭车,或有一个朋友或在周六晚上逗留是共享(Parry, 2005)。销售本身没有错,但批评人士不愿将销售定义为共享。聚集为分享经济提供了动力,很难要求Airbnb运营的所有城市免除该公司的酒店税,因为每一笔租金只不过是私人交换,没有商业前景。像优步和Airbnb这样的共享经济公司在规模和规模上都是同行公司的竞争对手。接下来论文范文毕业论文代写-共享经济公司的案例讨论分享给留学生阅读。

Global entry mode – The sharing economy is avoiding the old model by establishing directs connections between the producers and the consumers. Like in the case of Uber, a driver can earn money by connecting on their cell phones with their potential riders, without being hired by a taxi company. The economic sharing business model has differences spaced out from a value proposition. Customer segments in the marketplace firms are two-sided, which means that two groups of customers that usually meet on a platform and perform business beneficially. However, it can be considered that the side of the segment which pays for the services is the only customer. As in Uber, car excess capacity along with their time, but at the same time, they do not consume the resources. Access based model of the business shows the single or multiple groups of consumers (Saloner, Shepard and Podolny, 2011). However, the detailed information regarding the customer segment shall not be available. The company’s positioning helps in the construction of the business model which is helpful in determining customer segments. Like in the case of marketplace business model, one group is totally inclined towards partnered contractors, while the other group consumes the process directly.

Strategy – People have traditionally considered ownership as the simplest way to access particular products. With the launch of the services provided by the Airbnb, it increased the numbers of individuals who rent to get the access temporarily rather than owning them. Growth in sharing economy is fuelled by the Internet, which has facilitated the connections between the owner and the peers to share the possessions. Entry mode of the sharing economy is not limited in the means of products and choices. It has the potential to include the entire economy in its model. In spite of many advantages, strategies of growth of the sharing economy are largely dependent on the connectivity of the internet. The firms utilizing the sharing economy model should focus on the reducing connectivity gap among its potential customers.

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