

英國航空公司捲入了一場巨大的業務操作,是多方面的。這就是為什麼它是組織必須有一個強有力的財政部門。因此財務部門需要有很強的會計製度(2012年奧利裡,p.250)。已被確定在這種情況下的問題是,由於巨大和復雜的會計系統,會計製度的英國航空公司面臨一定的風險或挑戰。因此,風險管理是一個重要的問題,得到了研究者的認可。 p.1220利蘭(2010)指出,英國航空公司是一個著名的名字在航空行業的任何缺陷,因此組織應影響組織的形象。

因此,會計系統的一個組成部分的整體運作組織,組織是一個重要的問題來評估潛在的風險和管理它們。目前,英國航空公司在航空行業中發揮著關鍵作用,因為它是進行大量的乘客約155個國家。因此,如果組織的會計系統不能正常運轉,所有的利益相關者組織的影響(科內特et al . 2011, p . 300)。這顯然將影響組織的生產力和市場地位。因此管理潛在的風險會影響會計系統的操作是一個很重要的問題。


The British Airways is involved in a huge business operations and is multifaceted. This is why it is imperative for the organisation to have a strong financial department. Thus financial department is required to have a strong accounting system (O’Leary 2012, p.250). The issue that has been identified in this context is that owing to the huge and complex accounting system, the accounting system of The British Airways faces certain risk or challenges. Therefore, risk management is an important issue that has been recognized by the researcher. Leland (2010, p.1220) states that The British Airways is one of the eminent names in the airlines industry and thus any pitfall of the organisation shall affect the image of the organisation.

Therefore, as the accounting system holds an integral part of the overall functioning of the organisation, it is an important issue for the organisation to assess the potential risk and manage them.At present, The British Airways is playing a pivotal role in the airlines industry, as it is carrying out a huge number of passenger to about 155 countries. Therefore, if the accounting system of the organisation do not operate properly, all the stakeholders of the organisation shall be affected (Cornett et al. 2011, p. 300). This shall obviously affect the productivity and market position of the organisation. Thus managing the potential risk that can affect the operation of the accounting system is an important issue now.