


IBM对Daksh的一个业务部门进行了重大投资,这是一家提供信息技术服务的印度小型企业。通过投资等方式,IBM将公司打造成一个拥有市场领先份额的大型国际企业。该公司一直在质量和成本方面与印度的竞争对手展开竞争(Schlombs 2008)。然而,帕尔米萨诺指出,该公司仍处于成为完全整合的全球企业的初期阶段。在考虑到案例研究中,该报告将识别的关键IBM所面临的战略问题,同时建议可行的情况下公司前CEO的solutionsOverview IBM,彭明盛,在这种特殊情况下讨论了关于全球战略的演变状态之后,IBM全球最大的电脑业务。正如首席执行官所说,当公司开始进行国际扩张时,它遵循了许多组织认为的国际模式。


它承担了国内环境的大部分活动,同时在国际环境下启动产品的销售(Hill et al., 2012)。与此同时,当IBM在1972年加入时,它已经从这个模式中走出来了。到1972年IBM加入这家公司时,它最终放弃了这种特殊的模式,在那之前,这家公司最终成为了一家典型的跨国公司。在上世纪70年代,这种结构被证明是合理的。造成这种情况的关键原因是,由于国家间的差异和跨境贸易在商业实践中面临的挑战越来越大,许多市场之间出现了分割。这通常需要大量的本地化(Lakkaraju和Ajmera 2011)。该公司采用供应链管理的综合方法,为其所有全球业务提供单一的供应链。此外,IBM还在佛蒙特州和纽约设立了制造业务和半导体研发中心,从印度提供全球服务,从中国提供全球采购中心。此外,还有许多IBM的服务支持将内部和外部web页面(如巴西和爱尔兰)的位置放置。这些中心的主要焦点不是国内市场,而是全球的综合业务。


IBM has made significant investment in one of the business units of Daksh, an Indian small- scale business providing services of information technology. By making such as investment, IBM established the company as a large international business with leading shares in the market. The company has been competing with effectiveness in terms of quality and cost against the competitive rivals of India (Schlombs 2008). However, it has been noted by Palmisano that the company is still in the initial stage of its journey for becoming a global enterprise of full integration. In considering the case study, this report will be identifying the key strategic issues faced by IBM while recommending viable solutionsOverview of the Case Company The former CEO of IBM, Sam Palmisano, in this particular case has discussed about the evolving state of the global strategy followed by IBM that is the biggest computer business across the globe. As per the CEO, when the company started with its international expansion, it was following international patterns perceived by a number organization.

It undertook majority of the activities in domestic setting, while initiating the sale of products at international level by its international settings (Hill et al., 2012). Meanwhile, when IBM ended up joining in the year 1972, however, it has ended up moving already from this model. By the time the company was joined by IBM in the year 1972, it has ended up moving away from this particular model, and until then, the company ended up becoming a classic multinational company. The structure turned out to be sensible for the company during the 1970s. The key reason for this was the segmentation across a number of markets from one another by increased challenges to national differences and cross border trade in practices of business. This often held the requirement of significant localization (Lakkaraju and Ajmera 2011). The company follows an integrated approach of supply chain management, with a single supply chain for all of its global business. Also, IBM has located its manufacturing operations and semi-conductor research and development in Vermont and New York, with delivery of global services from India, and centre of global procurement from China. Also, there are a number of services of IBM supporting the placement of internal and external web pages like Brazil and Ireland. The primary focus of these centres is not the national markets, but instead the integrated operations across the globe.