

然而,綁架兒童本身就是最高程度的痛苦和折磨。綁架兒童並把他們從父母和家人身邊帶走會導致巨大的心理和情感恐懼和痛苦。一個孩子可能永遠也無法克服這樣的痛苦。這就是為什麼中國將拐賣兒童和綁架列入可判處死刑的犯罪清單(洪,張368)。死刑,是死刑的另一個名字,在加拿大和美國的許多州已經廢除。反對死刑的人說,把一個人投入死牢不會有任何結果。已經死亡的受害者可能會被帶回來。然而,當對手有死亡的恐懼,他們將被阻止犯下謀殺和綁架。然而,大多數犯罪都是在激情的驅使下進行的,綁架者無法理性思考(Bedau 42)。當這些罪犯不能理性思考的時候,他們又如何去思考恐懼呢?因此,認為他們沒有理性思考就犯罪是不理性的。像綁架這樣的犯罪不是在激情的驅使下進行的,而是經過周密策劃的。美國公民自由聯盟(ACLU)表示,死刑應該完全廢除,因為判處死刑是非常令人不安的,尤其是對那些珍視生命的人。
這種爭論對受害者及其家屬來說是不公平的。受害者的家庭成員和父母必須承擔他們整個生命的情感負擔,同時也要承擔悲劇的負擔(Bohm 42)。被綁架和謀殺的兒童需要正義,但是廢除死刑將導致“無法形容的不公”(霍奇金森114)。根據國家失踪和受剝削兒童中心(NCMEC)的報告,美國每40秒就有一名兒童失踪。美國聯邦調查局提供的報告和統計數據顯示,2015年,有460699起兒童失踪報告(“關鍵事實”)。在這些案件中,約有20萬名兒童被其家庭成員綁架或綁架。 58000名兒童因性主題被綁架(“關鍵事實”)。在中國被綁架的兒童數量也非常高。他們的家庭不得不忍受這個社會永遠無法完全治癒的創傷。那些通過談論人類價值觀和世俗主義來支持廢除死刑的人們,往往忘記了坐在死囚區裡的人以折磨和恐怖的方式殺害了人(Recinella 4)。因此,對這樣的罪犯,怎麼能有比死刑更輕的判決呢?


However, kidnapping a child is itself the highest level of infliction pain and torture. Abducting a child and carrying them away from their parents and families results in great psychological and emotional fear and pain. A child may never be able to come over with such pain. That’s why China included abduction of children and kidnapping in the list of the crimes, which are punishable by death (Hong, and Zhang 368). Capital punishment, which is another name for death penalty has been abolished in Canada and many states of America. The people against death penalty state that putting someone in the death row will not accomplish anything. The victim, who is already dead, could be brought back. However, when the opponents have the fear of death, they will be prevented from committing murder and kidnapping. Nevertheless, most of the crimes are done in the heat of passion and kidnappers are not able to think rationally (Bedau 42). When such criminals cannot think rationally, how will they think about fear? Therefore, it is irrational to think that they commit crime without thinking rationally. The crime like kidnapping is not done in a heat of passion, but they are committed with complete planning. The American Civil Liberty Union (ACLU) states that death penalty should be completely abolished, as it is very disturbing to sentence someone with death penalty especially for those who value life.
This kind of argument does not make justice with the victims and their families. The family members and parents of the victims have to carry the emotional weight for their complete life and have the burden of the tragedy as well (Bohm 42). The children, who have been kidnapped and murdered need justice, but abolishing the death penalty would result in “unspeakable injustice”(Hodgkinson 114). According to the reports of National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), in every 40 seconds a child goes missing in the United States. The reports and statistics offered by FBI reveals that in the year 2015, there were 460,699 reports for missing children (“Key Facts”). Out of these cases, approximately 200,000 children are abducted or kidnapped by the family members. 58,000 children are specifically kidnapped for sexual motifs (“Key Facts”). The number of children being kidnapped in China is also very high. Their families have to live with the wound, which the society would never be able to heal completely. The people, who support the abolition of the capital punishment by speaking about human values and secularism, often forget that people sitting in the death row have killed people in torturous and horrible manner (Recinella 4). In some cases, children are even raped before murder. Thence, how can there could be any sentence less than death sentence for such criminals?