


FWI系统或森林火险气象指数是一个在加拿大1970系统介绍。自那时以来,它已修订了无数次,目前更新的版本是在1987年发行的。英国和澳大利亚的FWI系统实现版本遵循的版本在1987年推出的(Van Wagner,1987)。在澳大利亚,该系统已修正,调整根据其依赖的一天的长度使FWI函数方程仍与历年的纬度和时间一致。FWI系统的这一特性使FWI火灾预测预报系统能应用于全世界。一个小时的FWI方程变了。
FWI系统是依靠天气方面在森林地表的各种影响,燃料水分条件是常见的林火行为的一个关键因素。FWI系统校准需要得到与当地的气候情况,根据其分类阈值。门限值的校准是通过有关火灾的天气信息和事件提供历史数据的评估,实现(de Groot,Wardati。王,2005岁。本文中,发出火灾危险警告计划对系统阈值的基础上分组FFDI在澳大利亚实施了FWI系统阈值。统计的方法来比较这两个系统,然后开发了一个在FFDI系统FWI值转换的转换机制。


The FWI system or Forest Fire Weather Index is a system that was introduced in 1970 in Canada. Since then, it has been revised numerous times with the present updated version being issues in year 1987. The UK and Australian versions of the implemented FWI systems follow the version launched in year 1987 (Van Wagner, 1987). In Australia, the system has been modified significantly to adjust according to its dependency on the day length to make sure that the equation of the FWI function remains consistent with the latitude and time of the calendar year. This property of the FWI system allows the FWI fire forecast system to get applied all over the world.  An hour based variant of the FWI equation has also been introduced.

The FWI system is relying on the various impacts of weather aspects on the forest surface, and fuel moisture conditions which is a crucial element in the common forest fire behavior. The FWI system needs getting calibrated for its categorization thresholds in accordance with the local climate situation. The calibration of the threshold value is then achieved through the evaluation and assessment of the historical data available about the fire weather information and incidents (de Groot, Wardati. and Wang, 2005). This paper, the threshold values of FWI system for issuing warning of fire danger is planned on the basis of grouping threshold of the FFDI system as implemented in the Australia. A statistical method is utilized to compare these two systems and then develop a conversion mechanism for the FWI value conversion in the FFDI system.

The FWI system is primarily used in the UK region as input for the UK Forest Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP) system. The other inputs entered into the FBP system include the fuel type for the forest fire forecast as well as the topography information available to estimate the behavior of the fire. The FWI system provides two primary outputs based on the assessment of input values- the rate by which the fire would spread and the fuel consumption statistics. The secondary inputs in this situation include the rate by which the perimeter of the fire would grow bigger and the distance of the distance between head, flank and the back of the fire.