




The IPE led to know about the way things can be done in a better way. During the experience as nurse back home, there are many times when I felt I could not done better than I already had done but going through the workshop I realized that there are several ways of doing a single task and one can perform a task better by using other different ways of doing task. The importance of teamwork is learnt to a great extent through this exercise. It is not that I am not aware of the importance of the teamwork but the lack of it can make such a difference is a thing that was not in my knowledge. Along with that, the importance of effective communication and teamwork over the health care provided is what I learnt the most. I think that I would be a better team player with effective communication and I suggest that these projects should include an exemplary team as well to which the team performing the task can compare.

The patient’s mental health deteriorates and the courage to fight gets down. The other social issue attached with the patients is her deteriorating confidence over the staff, treating her as the results are not coming in favour. The good teamwork ensures better patient care provided in shorter period of time with more effectiveness and efficiency. The other nursing responsibility includes effective communication within the team. There team needs to communicate clearly with each other regarding the duties they need to perform and the way they will perform the duties.