


Today Chinese dishes and cuisines are famous around the world and every country with Chinese population has its own version of Chinese cuisines. The countries like Canada, America and other Western European nations have Chinese cuisine suiting to their own tastes. Chinese cuisine is extensively represents its cultural vastness even in modern times. It has influence and presence from Asia to America and Europe as well.
However, the Chinese rural population is estimated to be there are still malnourished in China as per the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization reports. China gets the international food aid. The World Food Program however credits china for achieving it national agriculture produce self-sufficiency targets. The lack of nourishment can be seen mainly in the rural areas of China, specially the north, north-west and south-west regions which lack recourses.
Problems of Modern food culture
However, the majority of urban population of China enjoys the varied cuisines available in the country. The new world problems are also becoming common in China with the increasing modernization. The issues of bad choices of food and overeating are some of the major concerns of the modern Chinese population. The cases of obesity among children, lack of proper nutrient intakes etc., have sharply increased in past few decades. The Chinese food critics blame the Western influence on the Chinese cultural cuisine being the cause of these health issues. The increase in sale and consumption of fast foods and other ready to eat meals is considered as the culprit behind major problems. The appearance of Western, more specifically American fast food chains like McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) etc. have affected the eating habits of the modern China (Wertz, no date). The fast moving younger generations is lacking patience to cook and eat in the traditional ways and therefore are more attracted towards these available options.

Over the past several centuries china has seen the evolution and development in its variety of cuisines, to decide upon which cuisine exceeds in terms of nutrition, flavor or taste is next to impossible. The range of food produced, cooked and consumes in Chins is very wide. The historical ways of cooking food and using them for their medicinal values have changed over the time and the quick and easy to prepare foods are replacing the traditional recipes. However, still China has a gamut of cuisines that no other nation can give competition to. Chinese have used food wisely historically and are also expected to do the same in coming future. The amount of Western world can affect the choices made by the average modern Chinese, but the traditionally made Chinese food would still be loved and appreciated by all the Chinese around the world. The Chinese traditional cooking styles and recipes form a rich heritage of the country and make China an interesting destination for the gastronomy enthusiast. China can use the power of its varied cuisine and enhance its tourism on the terms similar to United Kingdoms’ initiatives for gastronomic tourism.

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