

奥克兰论文代写-纳米复合材料在全球牙科领域的发展。不同的研究人员和科学家对牙齿修复的兴趣越来越大,这使得他们开始研究纳米材料,他们也开始在牙科科学中占据一席之地。目前,纳米复合材料在全球牙科领域都处于发展阶段。为了制备纳米颗粒,对复合材料的组成部分进行了纳米尺度的破碎、铣削和磨削加工。纳米粒子的形状受敏感电磁器件的严格控制,从而产生圆形填充体。这些圆形填料的直径小于10微米。颗粒向纳米颗粒的形状变化对复合材料的硬度影响不大,表面粗糙度较低。然而,经过生产过程,纳米颗粒的抛光表面保持完好。(Soh m . S。,2006)。除此之外,纳米复合材料制成的纳米义齿在纳米牙科领域也取得了很大的进展。与纳米填料相比,纳米填料具有更强的耐磨性,耐磨性好。

It is essential to analyse the propertiesand flaw of different materials used in dentistry. The use of composite resin and thin film coatings over the outdated material Amalgam gives more durability, strength and resistance to wear in dental restoration. Dental Composite resins are synthetic resin and they are insoluble and not expensive as that of crown. One of the fundamental advantages of composite resin over the amalgam is that they have best aesthetics. Composite resins are available in different colours which give benefits to the dentist in replacing the defected teeth with respect to the colour match. Since in the case of Amalgam, the dentist needs to destroy the defected tooth and they usually perform drilling operation to produce a hole in order to with mercury amalgam. While composite resins are easily bonded to the teeth. Another leading advantage of composite resin is that they can be easily refurnished just putting some extra composite. The major issue of using composite resins restoration came out to be the shrinkage because of its constituent process polymerization. The material shrinkage causes stress with the tooth surface, and may result in fracture of tooth or any dislocation of restoration. (Schneider, L. F, 2010). Highly skilled and trained dentist are required in composite restoration. On the other side, if we consider amalgam, it has high compressive strength, high resistance to wear, suitable economics and excellent sealing ability. However, Amalgam is subjected to micro-leakages. The main problem associated with amalgam is the release of mercury vapour while manipulating it. This mercury vapouris prone to poisonous reactions to the patient, if the quantity of vapour is not controlled. Thus it requires very high attention and calm handling. The presence on mercury in the composition of amalgam is responsible for the skin diseases, breathing problems and hazard to the environment. The fundamental advantage of amalgam over resin is its cost.

Developed countries like America, Canada, England, Germany and other central Asian countries, all are prone to the issue of dental caries. It gets worst in case of developing countries where people don’t have much resources and awareness about amalgam use. It has now become essential to strengthen the disease inhibition and to provide awareness to the poor people especially. It can be done by introducing different preventive programs and shows to create awareness for the people. It is important for ahealthy lifestyleand safe environment. Keeping this in mind, the World Health organization WHO organized an oral health preventive action plan in 2007. We need more awareness and preventive programs like the oral program to counter the dental disease.
It is saddened to say that there are still many countries that are using amalgam as restoring material. In a few countries, alternate restoration ways like composite resin has successfully been used. Many alteration of composite resin has been a burning subject of research nowadays. Awareness of mercury toxicity is pretty much on the lower side. Many dental patients are affected by different allergies; some of pregnant women are facing issues due to amalgam restoration. Due of all of these serious problems, the use of amalgam should be limited. And there should be a shift towards alternatives like composite resin, Nano fillers and thin film coating to ensure quality of life and health.
Thin film coat composite resin or modified composite resin is the best suited alternative. A thin film layer of silicon and oxygen on the composite resin would ensure prevention from the growth of bacteria inside the teeth. By providing the thin film layer, the physical and chemical properties of the composite resin are enhanced. It would not give any kind of vapour while manipulation like in case of amalgam. But the problem of utilizing the thin film coated composite is its cost. It is very costly to treat. Average class people cannot afford such expensive treatment. That’s an absolute dilemma. People having low resources are now looking for extraction of teeth rather treating their teeth. The concerned authorities all over the world should play their role in controlling the treatment cost of dental restoration with alternatives by introducing different dental treatment schemes through which low income people get treated. Otherwise, it would become impossible to provide quality life and health to the people.

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