


Reeves and Deimler(2011)的一项研究表明,今天的大多数公司都处于一个不稳定和风险的时代。此外,研究指出,随着新技术的出现,企业经营透明度和全球化程度的提高,以及非常不稳定的商业环境,给全球大多数跨国公司(MNCs)的首席执行官造成了非常深刻的不安局面。自1980年以来,企业营业利润率的波动性和自1950年以来的静态状况,已扩大了一倍,与市场赢家(营业利润率高于正常水平的企业)与市场输家(营业利润率低于正常水平的企业)之间的差距相当。不同行业的市场领导者比其他行业的领导者拥有更多的保险,而在不同行业中,失去顶级职位的公司比例从1960年的2%上升到了2008年的14%。市场领导者必须付出更多的代价才能获得最高的地位。在当今的商业环境下,许多商业部门不再存在行业份额与盈利能力之间的相关性。



A study conducted by Reeves and Deimler (2011) stated that most of the companies today are operating in an era of instability and risk. Moreover, the study stated that with the advent of new technologies, companies doing business with greater transparency and globalization along with very unstable business environment have created a very deep uneasy situation for most of the CEOs of the Multinational Organizations (MNCs) around the globe. The volatility of businesses operating margins since the year 1980 and static situation since 1950s have doubled similar to the gap between market winners (firms having above normal operating margins) and market losers (those having below normal operating margins). The market leaders in different industries are more insure than other and the percentage of companies who are missing their top ranks in different industries have increased from 2 % in the year 1960 to 14 % in the year 2008. The market leaders have to pay an increased amount of price to be in the top positions. In today’s business environment, the correlation between industry share and profitability no more exists in many of the business sectors.

According to research, the chance of profitability leaders to be the same as that of the industry share leaders has decreased from 34 % in the year 1950 to only 7 % in the year 2007. It has become impossible for some of the company CEOs (Chief Executive Officers) to identify the industries with which they have competition. The above mentioned uncertainties are challenging the strategy making process of different MNCs around the globe. The traditional move towards strategy making which was once considered as the way for answering uncertainty and change are actually becoming relatively constant and conventional. The main goal of most of the business strategies is to gain a continuous competitive advantage by setting smart market positioning (either by having a dominant position or by creating an attractive niche) or by gathering the exact capabilities and expertise for manufacturing or delivering a particular offering (doing exactly what the company can do well) (Porter, 1979). Most of the companies today are having periodic reviews of their strategies and setting direction and organizational structure on the basis of industrial analysis and forecasts made as how the industry will evolve.