


政治方面:该国政治稳定,喜欢在该地区投资的新企业。在这个国家,对西方投资者和西方教育有一个普遍积极的内涵。然而,官僚链条和政府监管水平很高(Ho, 2014)。经济的:人们愿意花钱接受高质量的教育,教育系统被过分重视。目前的经济低迷可能会给人们的收入带来麻烦。社会:在该地区,学历较高的人,尤其是来自外国的人受到尊重。这可能对大学有利。因此,有很多努力和金钱,人们愿意支付高等教育。除此之外,对于中国的发展和激烈的竞争,人们普遍持积极的观点,这可能对大学有利。他们正在适应和欢迎新的意识形态和教育(Hall, 2013)。这对大学来说是一项福利。然而,不平等的财富分配可能会影响学生的学费。

技术:这个国家是一个新兴国家,它使人们能够使用基本的基础设施。中国杭州有广泛的发展。这对大学来说是一个积极的特点。个人主义:中国的个人主义得分较低。然而,英国得分很高。在开始行动时,应该对两国之间的意识形态差异有一个基本的理解(Hofstede, 2010)。阳刚之气:这两个国家的成功倾向得分都比较高,这些国家的人都有提高自己的动力。由于人民的努力,这个国家一直在积极发展。这对大学来说是一个积极的因素。不确定性规避:这两个国家的人民在这方面得分都很低。这意味着,一般人都在为现在而争论,对未来可能爆发的新挑战也很满意。


Political :The country has political stability and it appreciates newer businesses to invest in the region. There is a generally positive connotation regarding western investors and western education in the nation. There are however high levels of bureaucratic chains and governmental regulations (Ho, 2014). Economical :The people are willing to spend money for quality education and there is undue importance given to the education system. The current economic downturns could prove to be a hassle for the income of the people. Social :People who have higher degrees especially from foreign countries are respected in the region. This could be favorable for the University. Owing to this, there have been a lot more efforts and money that the people are willing to pay for higher education. Apart from this, there are generally positive views about development and the aggressive competition in the country which could prove to be beneficial for the University. They are adapting and welcome newer ideologies and education (Hall, 2013). This is a benefit for the university. However, there is unequal wealth distribution that could affect the fees payable by the students.

Technological:The country is an emerging country that enables the people to have access to the basic infrastructure. There is widespread development in the Hangzhou China province. This is a positive feature for the university. Individualism:There is lower score given to individualism for China. However, there is high score given to the UK. There should be a fundamental understanding of this ideological difference between the two nations while commencing operation (Hofstede, 2010).Masculinity Factor:Both the countries are found to have a higher score of the success orientation and the people of these nations are general driven towards improving. The country has been developing aggressively owing to the efforts of the people. This is a positive factor for the university. Uncertainty Avoidance:The people on both these nations score low in this factor. This means that the people in general are contended about the present and are fine with newer challenges that might erupt in the future.