




The companies lead by product should be fast in entering the market and developing appropriate strategy of pricing for obtaining return over their investment in a considerably longer period of time. With the increasingly reduced price of product along the life cycle of product, each and every follow-up will be carried out inevitably by the competition of price. For an organization to obtain proposition of customer value, there appears to be a specific combination of major components that need to be focused by business, discussing and following for the establishment and achievement of success. The main components are the development of proposition of customer value beginning with the analysis of offering of competitors, needs of customers and the strengths of company for being outstanding in the market of shares.There are variations of value propositions depending upon different industries and segments of marketing in the industry. Several researches have linked the success of organizations with the provision of value to the customer.

There is huge significance of the principles regarding value of customer, with their insight to drive the marketing activities of a company. Since recent years, the dynamic trends across the field of global business have been hot topics in the circles of management. People show concern to certain trends such as the internet, strategic alliances and economic globalization; they ended up noticing major changes in the population of customers. In the current era, customers can no longer be seen as passively receiving the services and products, there has been an enhancement in skills, information, knowledge and eagerness for learning and practicing. Companies oriented with operations excellence focus on the reduction of costs within the process of internal operations and supply chain, while persuading the focus of customer intimacy. This can be considered crucial for meeting the service and delivery of customer. Business organizations positioning value on the leadership of product are always known to be high-tech companies.











The prevention and control of instability in slopes are important research aspects in geotechnical engineering. The ideas of slope stability analysis are changed with accumulating the practical experience. It is significant to analyze the slope stability and express the appropriate method to avoid the slope failure. The protection of any slope from sliding, side collapse or against weather conditions and erosion is properly illustrated.


To meet the requirements of different construction conditions, there are varieties of slope classification.
(1) According to the cause of slope formation, it can be divided into two categories: natural slope and man-made slope.The natural slope is the naturally formed slope such as hillside, river bank. The man-made slope is artificial slope like embankments, cuttings, excavations and landfills.
(2) Regarding properties of the soil, it can be classified into clayey, gravel, loess and rocky slopes.
(3) According to the section of the slope, there are vertical slopes, inclined slopes and stepped slope as shown in Figure 1.1. These three forms can form a composite slope, as shown in Figure 1.2.
(4) By service life, it can be classified into the temporary slope and permanent slope, the service life of permanent slope is more than two years.
In addition to the above classification, the slope can be classified due to the form of supporting structure.






From the company’s point of view, laying off is justified when the company explains the fact that it is facing a crisis situation and that it would not be able to support a large number of employees. On the other hand the company should also understand the mental state of the employees who are on the laying off list. Thus the human resource manager should work together to come up with ways in which they can deal with situations like these.
The major weakness of the article is that the author does not talk about the turmoil of the owners of the company who were facing the major crisis. The article does not talk about the financial crisis which the company was facing and which resulted in asking employees to leave. Another weakness of the article was the fact that it only described one side of the story. The article never spoke about the hardships which the owners were facing. It is very easy to blame the company for asking its employees to leave but the author should have studied the reasons which led to this big step of firing the employees. The author does not talk about the fact that the company did not have choice other than asking employees to leave because the company might not have enough money to pay to its employees. The article talks about the costs associated with the company but fail to elaborate on the traumatic cost on the employees who leave and the employees who stay (Davis et al, 3013).
In the article, the author has recommended few ways in which the human resource managers can manage layoffs. However in the real scenario, it becomes very difficult to imitate the model solutions or practices. Therefore it is very obvious that the human resource managers need to manage the crisis situation in ways which is acceptable to the employee and the employer.












The seepage of Nitrogen compounds in the water detmermine that the KH value of the soil system has allowed a large amount of nitrogen to enter in the aquifer. If the values of these soils were even lower we would get a lower concentration of nitrogen in our samples. Although they are reasonable but lower KH would have been much appreciated as it would have inhibited the seepage of contaminants in the soil.

Yes more sampling will help us in getting a better perspective of what happening inside the aquifer and hence it will give us with better options for the usage and sanitation of water. Although some samples reveal that water at certain areas is potable after simple processing however, water present at certain areas would require advanced filteration and purifying techniques. So we would require additional samples to investigate where we can find suitable water.

Yes tritium dead water is although not as good as the natural water but we can still use it and it does not cause any serious harms to our body.

Discharge can because of vegetation and other pumping techniques. However, in the absence of streams discharge is still quiet low but the value is maintained because of vegetation, domestic wells, etc.

Yes we can see that there is an approximate balance between the values observed. Although it is not much but we can ascertain that the balance is somehow maintained.

Yes if we assume that the value of nitrogen is conservative only then we can calculate the residence time of water with the help nitrate ratios.

Nitrate contamination can only be averted by using better and lower nitrogen fertilizers, other than this we can use horizontal spill methods that would somehow minimize the concentration of nitrogen in water deposits.

Although using the lower aquifer is not wise at all and it would create an imbalance in the aquifer which might allow seawater to enter in the aquifer and contaminating the whole deposit. But we can see that currently this appears the only possible way to meet the requirments of both parties. They can use upper aquifer water after filteration. Although this would be costly but it will prvide long lasting benefits.




我们原来是一个通过网络进行交流的世界。万维网提供了好的和坏的,因为一旦一部电影被释放-它已经出来了。二十年前的工作室试图确定如何防止网络攻击。目前,他们要想办法把网络整合到他们所做的每一件事上,因为这是命令式的晋升和降级。互联网有直接的全球影响——这是一个国际事件。Jo Lewis说:“当你进入圆环的时候,没有地方可以藏起来”。一旦你发行了你的电影,就没有地方可以隐藏了。电影上映的时候,人们就知道了。


Advertising is a significant part, and certainly having the precise movie to begin with, but the way you say is important thing. In film industry negative word of mouth may kill one’s reputation, we all know that. Cinemas have the shortest saleable life of any saleable product.  In present time if a film is about to reach an audience- they have to comprehend that their addressees, mainly younger generation, spend about 16-18 hrs per day live on the web. This indicates that comments regarding the film get straight on websites. Therefore if a person posts, “this is the terrible movie I have ever seen” and everyone feels in the same manner! This thinking will destroy the promotion of that movie instantaneously. This is the truth, which happens often.

We have turned out to be a world that communicates through the web. WWW has offered the good as well as the bad of that since the moment a motion picture is released- it’s out. Studios, twenty years back, attempted to determine how to prevent from the web. At present, they need to make out the means to integrate the web into everything they perform, considering that it is that commanding as a way of both promotion and demotion. Internet had a direct global impact- it is an international event. Jo Lewis, stated, “When you get inside the ring there is no place to hide. Once you release your film, there is no place to hide. People know about it the moment movie is released.

The book “Technology as Experience” illustrates the ideology behind this recommending four ‘threads’ of experience – sensuous, psychological, compositional and spatio-temporal. Such strands operate as one throughout the ‘dialogue’ of an audience with a movie. Their view is sustained by many others. Such understanding, nonetheless, is not new. As the materialization of man’s initial cave-etchings- it has develop into clear that we have the capability to communicate cognitively and emotionally via art- which, in context, features both as to language and apart from language.




‘枪’这个词的时候是与心态有关枪的概念仅仅通过接收协议的演讲者对英语应该这样做。没有直接的一对一关系中任何特定的术语和外部形式的指示物是指利用它(Fairclough 2012)。因此,按这种说法可以得出结论,个人没有一个选项就能指使用一个术语,指的是某些表示如果他们愿意理解。能指与所指之间的关系,可以通过社会矫正或固定惯例,因此,表明建筑语言是社会的方式完成的。

如果语言的社会建构完成,它的贡献提高怀疑关于文化的影响。有许多变化在不同的人类社会,在一定的持续时间和在任何特定的时间点(Fairclough 2012)。任意背后的概念意义但重要的感知有关的表示语言和现实之间既不是新的或不同的,也不是特定只根据作者。这篇文章还说古希腊时期。本文的基础上,发现参数已经被许多学者把关于病因知识和文化之间的关系(Kieran 2010)。这种观点已经得到作者的支持。参数包括两个主要部分。第一部分说明了关于相对论的知识根据有变化的方式,不同的文化可以感知和解释在全球各地。这种结构提供了在这些语言。第二部分是关于语言的决定论。按它,它一直保持这种特定的语言不仅反映了文化的贡献,而且还提供了一个结构,它提供了一个指导方针演讲者对全球。


The word ‘gun’ is related with the concept of mentality regarding the gun solely through receiving the agreement from the speakers with respect to the English language that should done so. There is no direct one to one relationship amongst any specific term and the external form of referent is utilized for referring to it (Fairclough 2012). Therefore, as per this statement it can be concluded that individuals do not have an option regarding the signifier using a term for referring to a certain signified if they are willing to understand. The relationship amongst signified and signifier can be rectified or fixed through social convention, thus it demonstrates that construction of language is done in a social manner.
If the social construction of language is done, it contributes in raising the doubt regarding the influences of culture. There are a number of variations amongst varying societies of humans, over certain duration of time and at any particular point of time (Fairclough 2012). The notion behind the arbitrary sense but significant amongst perceptions regarding representation of language and reality is neither new or different nor specific only according to the author. The article has also stated about the period of Ancient Greeks. On the basis of this article, it has been seen that arguments have been placed by a number of scholars regarding causative relation amongst the knowledge and culture (Kieran 2010). This point of view has been supported by the author. The argument consists of two main parts. The first part illustrates about the relativity of knowledge according to which there are variations in a manner that varying cultures can be perceived and explained across the globe. This structure has been provided in these languages. The second part is about the determinism of language. As per this, it has been maintaining that a particular language not only contributes in reflecting the culture but also provides a structure in a manner that it provides a guideline to the speaker with respect to the globe.




已经很明显,是一个重要的角色,发挥会计信息的管理,如在确定绩效工资的反对随之而来的奖金数额和几个组件的管理人员将接受合同条款的作用提供了一个合同条款的书面文件(Graham et al,2005)。然而,风险规避背后的主要问题是,即使会计信息的使用过程中的承包,仍然存在信息不对称。这种不对称是关于支付绩效的措施不足。然而,会计信息应该是这样的,它提供了完整的足够的信息,以摆脱非对称信息。随着会计随着为人的未来预期完全披露形式和市场公告来看,有利于竞争对手的基本事实披露的帮助。


When it is decided by the executives that they have to sell their stock of such a large number then they become motivated for increasing their stock price short run and they may illustrate their attention towards stock price in short term increasing disregard the fact that this may be at the long term value expense of the corporate. Costs associated for all with initial limited unwinding may then become limited without advocation of pay without involving performance within the same perspective in order to separate the restriction thoroughly (Graham et al 2005).
From this perspective, it becomes evident that a small role is played by information of accounting in order to decide the errors if any. A major component is formed by accounting information not only for the remuneration of managers but also for the contracts to lend. The reason behind terms being written is the factor that contracts of remunerating management need to be linked with the performance of managers to the interests of shareholders. The tie up of bonus can be done with the entity performance of finances measures. Therefore, two important roles are played by accounting information which is the role in contracts of management terms and for determining the contracts terms against the performance leading towards consequent bonus amount and several components of pay received by managers.
As already evident, an important role is played by accounting information such as by providing a written document of the contractual terms in a management and the role of determining the contractual terms in opposition to the performance for consequent bonus amount and several components of pay that the managers will be receiving (Graham et al 2005). However, the main issue behind risk aversion is the fact that even though information of accounting is used within the process of contracting, still there exists asymmetry in information. This asymmetry is with regard to insufficient measure of pay performance. However, information of accounting should be such that it provides complete adequate information to get rid of the asymmetrical information. With the help of disclosure of accounting along with complete disclosure forms and market announcements for signally future expectations in order to view the essential facts that have to be advantageous to the competitors.



作为公司的无形资产而言这些都是依照AASB记录(138年澳大利亚会计标准委员会)无形资产准则。之间的差异考虑转移和某些网资产的公允价值记录在损益表。企业商誉的测量是在成本的过剩电荷业务混合物和多余的某些资产的净公允价值被收购方负债及或有负债的形式。后AASB 16财产,厂房和设备(PPE)记录通过成本和累计折旧之间的区别。直线折旧法并不适用于该公司以其资产贬值。




As far as intangible assets of the firm are concerned these are recorded in accordance with AASB (Australian Accounting Standard Board) 138 Intangible assets criterion. The difference between considerations transferred and the fair value of certain netting assets is then recorded in the income statement. The measurement of business Goodwill is taken at cost being the surplus of the charge of business mixture that is over and excess of the net fair value of certain assets possessed by the acquirer in the form of liabilities and contingent liabilities. Following AASB 16 Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE) is recorded by taking difference between cost and accumulated depreciation. Straight line depreciation method is not applied by the company in order to depreciate its assets.
Revaluation model for the representation of PPE is abandoned by the company few years back. Since 2009 Boral Limited has chosen to adopt cost model for the reporting of PPE and as a consequence of adopting a cost model fluctuations in the year to year value of PPE are not reflected in the annual reports of the company. So, to increase the profitability of the company in the eyes of potential stake holders, Boral Limited is found to depreciate value of its assets over a comparatively longer period which results in the decreased value of depreciation expenses.
A 6% lower than previous year’s revenue was reported by Boral limited i.e. $4.9b of sales for the year ended in mid month of 2009. The decrease in the revenue reflects a very significant deterioration in the housing markets of United States and Australia. Positive price gains contributed to partially offset Volume reductions across most of the businesses. Australian revenues decreased from $4.1b to 5%. Similarly reported Revenues from the United States were decreased about 33% to a level of US$406m. It equals the amount of 19% percent decline in the revenue when converted in to Australian dollars. But the firm reports an increase in revenue from Asian markets of about by 15% to A$219m in its value.







The purpose of this research report is to further explore and critically analyse intercultural competence and to evaluate intercultural competence of myself along with comparison and detailed examination of interaction with another participant in an experiment: a Cultural Other (CO), culminating in a self-reflecting report. This research report aims to provide opportunities to interact with people of various cultures and to deepen the understanding of the cognitive and behavioural aspects that mediate intercultural communication between people of various cultures and their sincerity towards such interactions.
In light of the aforementioned, this report includes a thorough discussion of the various features of both intercultural communication and intercultural competence, which give rise to practical questions that are posed and subsequently discussed with the results of an interview with the CO, and multiple meetings with him that reflect the importance of intercultural communication and competence. The conclusion reveals how various cultures are open to accepting and interacting with other cultures as well as how important such interfaces are in order to thrive in an environment such as universities and other educational institutions.
Culture has varying definitions which include all the aspects that shape an individual’s thoughts and behaviour. When migrating to, or arriving at a place with people from diverse cultures, it is important to focus on intercultural communication, so as to peacefully conduct the sojourn, as well as learn from the instances and interactions. Psychologists and educationalists thus arrived at the term ‘interculturalism’, which refers to the dealings with people of different cultures. Interculturalism is a broad term coined to include the variety of cultures in light of the societal, economic and political contributions that various cultures contribute towards in a singular setting. The term differs from ‘multiculturalism’ as it includes the aspects of mutual tolerance, respect and positive attitudes, as explained further (Barrett & The Council of Europe, 2013).














Workplace flexibility helps the employees to maintain work-life balance which is very important for the employees to be productive. The main types of workplace flexibility are listed below. They are:

  • Flextime: this is a benefit given to the employees where the employees choose the time of the day when they want to work. The employee needs to work for the assigned number of hours in a day but he gets to choose the duration according to his will.
  • Flexplace: This is a facility in which the employee gets to decide whether he want to work from home or from a non-office location etc. Employers often consider this option as beneficial for the company too as it helps in reducing the operational cost for the company.
  • Expanded leaves: In this arrangement, the companies allow their staff to take expanded leaves. These leave would not be paid leaves but the person remains the employee of the company.
  • Partial Retirement: this is an arrangement where in the older employees continue to work for the company on part time basis without any end date of employment.

Such arrangements are instrumental in gaining work-life balance. Employees tend to be more productive when they are able to balance the demands of the workplace with other requirements of their lives. Companies encourage the work-life balance policies because of the following reasons. They are:

  • Retention of the employees.
  • Commitment to the firm
  • Increased productivity

Employees need to fulfill the duties assigned to them at the workplace. The work-life balance policies help the employees to schedule their day as per their will provided they put in the total number of hours required by the company (Demerouti et al, 2014).